I Just Wanna Be Free

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I am craving for someone to drag me out of this place and bring me into a place full of strangers.
Where i can walk confidently and not think about what do i look like.
Where i can dance in the streets
Where I can sing so loud while sitting in one of those old abandoned parks.
Where i can sleep in the beach and look at the stars all night long and think about how my life changed when i met you.
How you changed me into something i can't imagine i can be.
And i want to meet a person with a broken heart and soul.
Because sometimes they are the purest of them all.
I wanna sit down on the sidewalk near the ocean with that person and cry.
I want to try and figure out how to mend a broken heart with that person.
I wanna escape reality even just for a while and drive endlessly.
Where i can feel the soft air caressing me.
Where i can sleep on the hood of the car at night and look at the sky with thousands of light.
I wanna go for a stop at a mini forest and get lost in the jungle.
Where i can find peace.
Where i can just roam around and be amazed.
I just want to be free.

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