07/01/2017 4:07PM

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07/01/2017 4:07PM

"So, Aryn," Niall spoke, her name felt sweet on his tongue, "Tell me a little about yourself."

She took a sip of her latte as they sat quietly in costa. Her cheeks were rosy just like before when he first met her and Niall found it a feature he liked about her. Her skin wasn't tanned, in fact it was as white as snow and her lips were a natural light pink in their heart shaped condition, her nose wasn't button like, it was small but cute nether the less. What would normally be a full fringe was wind swept to the side.

"Well, what do you want to know?" She asked.

Niall shrugged, "Jobs? What other jobs have you done before this?"

Aryn was quiet a minute as she thought, "When I was twelve I done a paper round, while I was at college and university I worked part time at a little corner shop." She explained, "Then I worked at Easy Earners and the CEO there was a pain and we didn't get along."

Niall mentally applauded the girl for disliking Gareth, another reason he was finding himself growing fond of the girl quickly.

"Yeah, he's a bit of bother." Niall agreed, "So how old are you then?"

"Twenty One and counting, I'm still currently getting my full Economics degree at Oxford, you know, taking online studies and what not."

"Well, you're already in, why not give it up?" Niall asked sturring his drink.

He was lucky, he never had to attend university, he was in the company from such a young age and learnt as he went and he never needed a degree.

"I only have another year left, so it's not worth giving it up, plus, I can then work my way further up the ladder and become head of investments, maybe one day become a CEO." She laughed to herself.

"So you'll be giving me a run for my money then?" Niall asked, taking a large gulp of his orange hot chocolate.

"You bet ya." Aryn smiled, "Niall, tell me about you." She spoke, sitting back in her seat.

"I'm twenty three, never went to university, I was just at the company from a young age. I don't talk to my family and I'm a hopeless romantic, scratch that, I'm just hopeless."

"There's hope in hopeless." Aryn spoke optimistically.

"There's also less."

Aryn laughed, and Niall's ears listened. She finished off her drink and stood up slowly.

"I should go before it gets too dark, I remembered my little sister is spending the night tonight. Thank you for the coffee and I'll see you Monday."

Niall stood too, "No, you're right. It was all my pleasure, any time. It was lovely too meet you." He paused for a moment, "Maybe I should take your number for work reasons?"

"Hmm," She thought, "I could play hard to get and tell you too look it up on the system, give you my number and play it too easy or take your number and text you in a few days time. So, what's your number?"

Aryn passed Niall her phone and he typed it in, writing his name with the monkey covering it's eyes emoji. She smiled as he handed her phone back to her.

"Now, if you're that desperate to text me look it up on the system, I may or may not reply. Bye Niall."

Niall said goodbye and watched her leave, he knew right there and then she was different, although he had a few girlfriends in the past he had never seen them in the light he is starting to see Aryn in. He took it as a good thing.

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