09/01/2017 8:17PM

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09/01/2017 8:17PM

"No!" Aryn laughed loudly

"Yeah!" Niall laughed falling back, "I had to pull him out of the bin, he got stuck and then Louis, my cousin, decided to leave him there! I was too pissed to even think a second thought before going home."

"Poor Zayn!" Aryn blurted

Niall shrugged, "He wasn't best pleased when he woke up in the bin."

"I bet."

The two were sat in Niall's vast living room, the huge fireplace sat in the middle of the room, the two of them sat on the rug next to it, surrounded by empty Indian dishes.

Niall's shirt was unbuttoned a few buttons and his tie laid neatly over the edge of the sofa. Aryn had removed her heels and jacket, sat in her dark green work dress and tights.

Niall watched her as she started to talk about the disaster of her eighteenth and he nodded, admiring the way her features became more visible under the light of the fire. Her stunning green eyes twinkled with the reflection of the orange flames.

"I would have much rather stayed in and had a quiet night with drinks but being the youngest of my friends, Harry insisted we had to go out clubbing. I think he just wanted to hook me and his friend Liam up."

Niall laughed and then spoke, "So, tell me about your family?"

"Hmm," Aryn mumbled, "I wouldn't know where to start."

Niall shrugged, "it's okay, we have time."

"Well," Aryn started, "My dad died in action when I was about five and my older brother was seven, he's fighting in Afghanistan at the moment, he decided that he wanted to follow in the same steps as our dad, minus the dying." She laughed lightly, "My mum doesn't live to far away either about twenty minutes away."

Niall nodded in awe as she spoke passionately about her family, it was clear they had a close bond, something he never really had with his own family and he was jealous. He wanted a strong family bond.

"What about you?"

Niall shrugged, "My family live back in Ireland, they moved when I was eighteen. My brother now has a wife and kid and I don't speak to my parents."


"They didn't support me and what I wanted to do, they had different and unreachable plans for me, evidently they didn't like it when I said no."

Aryn sighed, "Family is a wonderful thing."

"I wouldn't know." Niall shrugged, "five years since I've seen or spoken to a member of mine other than Louis. When I have kids I'll support them no matter what, heck, I want to be my kids best friend."

Aryn smiled at him, admiring the way he had got this far without support. She felt sorry for him, she couldn't imagine life without her family nor did she want to.

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