10/01/2017 6:59PM

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10/01/2017 6:59PM

Niall pulled up at the apartment complex, Aryn had sent him a text with the address so he could pick her up at seven. He actually arived at the complex fifteen minutes ago and decided he would take a drive around so it didn't look like he was too eager.

Niall had rung John earlier on, asking for wardrobe choices.

"Do I wear joggers and a t-shirt?"

"God no!" John had scoffed, "You want it to look like it means something to you."

"A shirt and trench coat?"

John sighed, "You're going ice skating, don't over do it."

"Hold on," Niall grunted, "I have an incoming call from Louis."

"Niall!" Louis had yelped down the line.

"Hey Louis."

"Hi John!"

"What do you want Tomlinson?" Niall mumbled at his cousin.

"Have a lads night with Zayn and I."

Zayn yelled a hello in the background.

"He's got a date." John informed, "ice skating at Hyde park, how romantic."

"Oh wow, who's this chick?" Louis teased

"It doesn't matt-" Niall went on to explain, he knew his cousin all too well.

"Zayn!" Louis yelled, "Round up the lads were going ice skating."

And then the line had dropped, Niall had then thanked John and ended the call.

In the end Niall had decided to go with a simple white t-shirt and a black jumper with a denim jacket over the top and some black skinny jeans, it was causal enough.


I'm outside :)

He sat waiting in his car, the music light in the background. His attention was caught when the door to the complex opened.

Aryn had chosen a simple outfit too, along with help from Harry over FaceTime. Harry knew what guys liked but wouldn't send her out showing too much skin, after all she was like his little sister. On the call he had insisted he go too, just too watch and make sure the guy was decent, after all, he wanted to see who she would be hurting, he hoped the guy was an ass just so he didn't feel bad about unsucesfully stoping her.

She had some simple dark blue jeans on, a black and white patterned jumper, her dark green but well fitted coat over the top, all done up to hug her curves and the over rated black and white converse.

Niall felt giddy as she approached the car and smiled warmly, he didn't hesitate to jump out.

"Hey, you look amazing." He smiled, his stomach flipping in the process.

When she smiled back he resumed his calmer state, relaxing completely.

"So do you, I love the jacket." She spoke, flicking the item.

"It's Louis' he left it round about four months ago and hasn't come to get it back."

"If I'm recalling correctly he's your cousin right?"

Niall nodded, "Yeah, anyway shall we stand here and talk or head to the ice rink?"

Aryn smiled and walked around the side of the car, Niall followed her and opened the door, a small blush rising on her cheeks as she thanked him.

He closed the door and took in a huge breath, hoping that Louis didn't turn up but he had a bad feeling he would.

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