Obstacles | Sweet Revenge

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The following is the winning entry from our Obstacles contest in conjunction with Romance. Congratulations to our winner!

The full list of winning entries can be found here.



Something, or someone, is in your way. Whether you are a stalker about to claim your latest victim, or a lover desperately searching for your partner, or a cop on the hunt for the biggest criminal—the goal is always the same:

"I will always find you."


Sweet Revenge

by ipad_connor

He sat at the corner of the dimly lit bar with piercing grey eyes scanning each unsuspecting soul. He never saw me hiding in the shadows, it was the third week that I sat across him, invisible to his predatory stare. Dexter Maxwell was a powerful man, any human who can get away with the crimes he committed had to be. By now, I knew everything about my victim, his habits, his tells, his weakness and the most rewarding, I had planned exactly how I wanted to trap him too.

Dexter Maxwell spent every Saturday evening in his club, and at the end always went home with a girl. She had to be a blonde, short compared to his six foot frame and most importantly she had to be intoxicated. Now, going home with a new girl each weekend isn't too much of a surprise, it's when the girl doesn't turn up the next day, or week, or year that you'd think people would ask questions. But, that was not what happened in Mr. Maxwell's case.

I got up from the darkness I always sat in, pushed my newly coloured hair over my shoulder and went straight to the bar. I had chosen to wear a short blue dress with a halter neck and a far cry from a modest neckline. The attire in its entirety was enough to catch his attention but I had to tick every box in his list to make it to the top.

"Four shots of tequila." I ordered, winking at the bartender who in no time placed my order in front of me.

"What's a lovely lady like you doing alone?" A plan never really goes as planned, does it?

I looked over to the dark haired man who had taken the stool beside me. If it wasn't the me now, I would've actually been interested in the grinning bastard. But instead, I leaned closed to his ear and whispered sensually.

"Trying to get in bed with that hot hunk over there." I followed my words with a giggle. It was enough to believe I was completely drunk. I did just empty four glasses with him as witness. He looked taken aback, and I thought he'd make an effort to continue his pursuit but instead looked behind me and just walked away.

I straightened my face before I turned.

"That man bothering you?" Dexter Maxwell could charm a ninety year old into bed with his lopsided smile and enticing eyes.

"Not anymore." I giggled, any outsider, including the man before me would be convinced I was drunk.

"Could I buy you a drink?" Always check if the pig is over stuffed for slaughter.

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