The Seven Gates of Hell

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"The best ones never make it to heaven."

Seth -

The angel was told to look for the gates, it was a simple task. He wasn't told where to look or who to ask, making his life more difficult. His goal was to stop the demons from leaking onto Earth from this one particular location. The angel yawned as he walked down the streets of a small town.

The town was not special to most people, but the angel could feel the magical presence in the air. It was strong, making him vibrate. There were demons here, the air turned murky as the angel walked towards a particular bar. His smile widened as he gripped the doorknob.

The bar was crowded, the dance floor full of sweaty bodies. He grimaced at not only the smell, but the atmosphere. His fingers tingled while he sat at the bar, able to tell instantly the bartender had abilities. The bartender smiled at the angel and placed a drink on the counter.

"It's on the house boo, drink up." The angel looked at the bartender's eyes as the pupils slit.

The angel looked at the drink warily and gripped onto the glass. Allowing himself to relax, he felt his magik surround it. Not to his surprise, something was in the drink for supernaturals. It wasn't harmful, more of a sedative.

"You waiting for someone?" A woman a few seats away turned to look at the angel.

"I'm looking for a monster, do you know where I can find one?" The woman grinned and moved closer.

The angel ignored her advance, understanding the human was under the influence. He looked to the door, waiting for more demons and supernaturals to walk in. While waiting, he conjured up a replica of the glass with some magic cast on it and poured the drink back in. He placed it back down, looking at the glowing symbol on the glass.

The angel released his hand and the symbol faded as the door opened. A man walked through in a leather jacket and jeans. His shirt was covered in soot and dirt and his hair was sticking in all directions. He sauntered over to the bar and took a seat next to the angel.

The bartender gave him a drink, the angel could quickly conclude that this man was a regular. He gazed at the man's neck, noticing a marking surrounding his neck like a collar. His hand was covered by the man's and he yanked it away. The man laughed and shot back his drink.

"Damien, nice to meet you. I was trying to get your attention, it appears someone wants you in the back." He motioned to the angel's friend who was waving.

"Seth, likewise." He got up and made his way to the back with a frown.

"I know you're undercover but there's big news in the underground!" Seth's friend rambled on about the gate, "they're talking about how Satan is trying to find a way to leave hell, and he's succeeding."

The angel was stunned. Many times Satan had tried to escape hell, but what was different about this time. He wasn't sure as of yet, but he would ask the demon himself. Seth's friend gripped onto his sleeve, holding him back for a moment.

"Caius, what do you want?" The incubus giggled and looked up at him.

"I want that man at the bar for my meal tonight. That is the price for the information I gave you." The demon skipped off to talk with other men at the bar, looking for his next meal.

Seth rolled his eyes, Caius would ask for him to provide a meal but he never would nor could. He made his way back to the bar and was surprised at the empty glass sitting at his seat. Damien looked up and smiled when Seth sat down. He picked up the glass and raised a brow at him.

"It was a good drink, can't blame me for taking a free one at an expensive place like this." He waved over the bartender again and whispered something in his ear before he scampered off.

The angel yawned at his seat, feeling the magical presence in the room grow stronger. He looked at Damien before grabbing the empty glass. The symbol was no longer there, making Seth come to his decision. His chair squeaked loudly as he swirled to face Damien.

"Tell me, demon, why are you here on Earth?" Damien's face perked up at his words and the angel glared.

Without a word, Damien gripped onto his wrist and pulled him outside. The angel grimaced at the noises the people made as they left. Seth glared at him as he was thrown over his shoulder and the two walked over to the edge of the forest. He was not concerned about being alone with the demon, Seth knew that he would be able to handle him if it came to it.

"What do you want to know? I came for some fun, that's all." The lie seeped through the demon's lips, making the angel yawn.

"Demons don't come to Earth for fun, you have to get permission to come up here or be high up at the different gates," the angel seethed, moving closer to the demon, "now answer my question."

Damien stood still for a moment before letting out an annoyed sigh. Seth stood with his arms crossed over his chest and waited. He took a step back when Damien shifted into cleaner clothes to give him room. His hand brushed against Damien's as he reached it out.

"Well, aren't you coming?" The demon grinned and the angel took his hand with a grumble.

Damien wrapped his arms around the angel and sprinted to the gate. He knew that the angel wouldn't have been able to see where it was of he did that so he knew he was safe. The angel took meager steps and the demon kept one arm around his waist to keep him upright. He led the two closer to the gate and helped Seth sit down.

"Here's the gate, demon's are leaking through because Satan is losing his hold on hell. They want to leave so they have less control over the demons. This gate was strong to begin with, so with the addition of this, demons can come through. Is that enough?" Damien took a seat across from Seth and waited for him to respond.

"Hey Damien, it's been awhile. Who's your toy?" A well-built pair stepped out from the gate.

The man stood with a hand clasped on Damien's back. The woman looked bored as she waited. Damien looked up with surprise and smiled at what Seth presumed to be a good friend of the demon's. The woman walked towards Seth and he shuffled back as she tried to reach out and touch his shoulder.

"Wait, can you smell that? Is that an angel that you're with? My days, things have really changed haven't they Iris?" The guy laughed until Iris looked at Seth with hungry eyes.

Seth stood still as she stalked over to him. She picked him up by the neck and thrusted him against the tree. Her head cocked to the side as she looked for any markings on him. Iris' hand snuck around his arm and she sliced into his skin.

"He hasn't been marked yet, he's safe to take back." She stepped back and dropped the angel to the ground who sat, wheezing.

"What are you two talking about?" Damien gets up and walks over to Seth, helping him stand up once the bleeding had ceased from his arm.

"His blood has one scent, it hasn't mixed. We can take him back to Satan."

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