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"Quote to be written"

Keres -

The angel sat on the ground with a bored expression. Few had come to visit him at his gate today. There were many people that came to heaven, but his gate was last. His gate was for those that were meant to be angels like him.

"Slow day, eh?" Zakai, the demon equivalent of Keres, spoke from his gate.

The angel ignored the demon, crossing his arms over his chest and waited for the next human to cross. Zakai huffed and looked around before flying over to the angel. Keres tried to get rid of him, but the demon persistently sat on the ground next to him. He nudged the angel and started talking to him.

"I would rather not be involved with you, please leave." The angel looked at the demon before looking away, the marks on his wrists burning in pain.

Zakai frowned before bidding farewell to the angel, making his way back to the gate. The other demons were rude, making fun of him for trying to be friendly with the angel. Although they were meant to be enemies, their jobs were similar, so the demon wanted a friend.

The two sat at their gates, waiting for their next patron. Keres grimaced as he saw a soul come up to the demon. He stood up, noticing that there was something abnormal about this soul. His wings took him over to the demon, pushing him out of the way as the object hit his head.

"Well, that wasn't planned. No matter," the soul laughed as they knocked out the demon after picking up the angel.

"Hey, are you awake?" The demon laid next to the angel with a worried expression.

"What's going on?" Keres woke up, the markings on his arms burning as he felt the demon beside him.

"The soul was apparently an astral projection that found their way to us. Someone high up is working with them." The angel nodded, looking down on his wrists.

The angel pulled on the chains, feeling them tighten as he did so. He grimaced and leaned back against the wall, backing away from the demon to no avail. The two were locked onto the same panel on the ground, they were stuck together. Keres winced as the demon's hand came over his.

"I thought you two would be at each other's throats, how disappointing." The person that was projected walked into the room with some food and drink for the two.

"We're not the animals you make us out to be." The demon growled, his eyes turning entirely black.

The person shrugged, loosening their chains so that they could eat comfortably. Keres looked at the food with disgust, the kidnapper ripping a piece from each sandwich to show it was edible. The angel grabbed the sandwich and nibbled on it, watching the demon struggle against the chains. He placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down, the food muffling his moan of pain as he did so.

"Oh, I see, would you like me to remove those? Also, demon, you need to close your eyes." Keres looked up with a confused expression as the woman wrapped her hands around his wrists.

Keres let her do as she wished, unable to do much else. He bit onto his lip as he felt a burning sensation take over his entire body. His markings slowly faded as he collapsed onto the demon. Keres' conscious slowly faded as he felt the demon rest a hand on his comfortingly.

"That looks much better that earlier. Those demons," the voice pauses, "angels placed high-level magic on the angel so he couldn't talk to the demon without pain, how sad. Wake up." Keres was nudged by the voice and he blinked at the harsh light.

He struggled in the demon's grip. The demon held him close, but when Keres heard him crying he brought his arms around him. The woman stepped back with a smile, beckoning for her followers to finish preparing the spell. She unlocked the two from the floor lock and levitated them onto the the drawing with a barrier around them.

"What are you doing? Can we please go back and work? We're of no help to you," the angel whispered, holding onto the demon with worry.

"We're creating a bond between you two to open the portal to the spirit realm. It's been done before and the book was destroyed, the spell having to be passed down through my family." The woman's eyes turn white as she begins the spell with her followers.

Keres tried to wake up the demon to avail. He pulls him close as he looks around in fear. His eyes dart around for a weak point in the barrier. Keres notices it at the top but couldn't stand up with the demon.

He feels a strange sensation in his heart before letting out a wail of pain. His soul was in the process of being shared with the demon beneath him. Keres felt hot tears trickle down his face and winced at the pain. They landed on the demon's wrists, healing the bruising from the day before.

The angel laid on top of the demon, the pain taking over his entire being. His body began to convulse as his eyes rolled back. Keres laid on the ground panting, a heat beginning in his stomach. He winced and pulled on the demon's shirt, trying to wake him up.

"Well there's no portal-" someone gets cut off with a scream and an object smashing.

The angel looked up at the people above him before looking down on the demon. He didn't want him to wake up in pain, that was his job, to be in pain instead of others. His cuffs were picked up, dragging him back to where he laid earlier. Keres tried to reach back for the demon, feeling cold without him, only a pair of shorts on him.

The demon required two people to drag him over and the angel brought him close, checking for injures. He shivered as his hands were changed too the wall this time, forcing his bare skin against the concrete. Keres looked up at people with a scowl, waiting for them to leave.

"Hey, wake up, it's okay now. They're gone," the angel whispered, using the little magic he had to move the demon's face and tilting up to see if there was any bleeding from being thrown around.

After seeing no bleeding, the angel released a sigh, feeling his arms go numb as the blood flow decreased. He leaned his head back, looking up at the blinding lights and thinking of his gate. What chaos that was going on at the gates, he did not know. Keres worried about the gates before letting sleep consume him.

"Wake up angel," a voice whispered into Keres' neck and he blinked sleepily.

Turning around, he smiled when he saw the demon out of his chains. Zakai gave him a grin before crumbling the the chains in his grip. He helped the angel up, letting him hold onto him with laying for the unknown about of time. His arms wrapped around the angel's waist until he was able to hold himself up.

The two separated and made their way out of the room. It was silent, the angel looking up at the camera with a grin. Keres gripped onto the demon before dragging him out of the house. They stood outside, breathing in the fresh air.

"With them on our tails, and someone high up working with them, where are we to go?" The demon looked at the angel with a frown.

"I've done a lot of work here on Earth. I'll be taking us to a friend of mine that works at a club downtown. It's only for the supernatural, we'll be safe there." The angel smiled and took the demon's hand before the two set off.

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