Wolf - unnamed

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"Quote to be written"

Raoul -

The smoke was taking over him. It coursed through his skin, giving him a spark. He glanced up, watching the energy lines through the air. His hands gripping into the ground as he breathed in.

"Beta is in control now. Alpha could not be located. The transition of power shall commence." The sorcerer was in the process of giving Beta more powers to help in the war.

Raoul sat still, his mind still hazy from the vision he just saw. He looked around, noticing shadows crawling in the distance. His friend placed a hand on his shoulder before getting zapped. The two made eye contact before Raoul made his way out of the meeting.

His claws extended as he made his way to the forest. Raoul's wolf was pushing through, needing to be released. He collapsed to the ground, feeling his bones shatter and his heart ache as his body formed. His hands were replaced with paws as he stood up before his consciousness faded.

Raoul woke up feeling the woods beneath his skin. He stretched before going back to the meeting. His wolf had receded and his mind cleared as a result. Raoul was greeted with an empty meeting room, with a sigh he made his way to the kitchen.

"Raoul, do you know anything about the explosion in the forest?" He perked up, wondering back to his wolf before shaking his head no.

"Do you know anything about Alpha?" Beta gulped before looking out the window.

"Killed, rogues infiltrated our barrier, a spot by the meeting house was weak. Alpha's body was found during patrol this evening. Rogues are trying to make land for themselves." Raoul nodded, looking back to the woods with a longing to go back.

After Beta left, Raoul felt an unknown sensation fall over him. His skin prickled and his stomach dropped. He gripped onto the table, feeling his wolf try to push through again. Raoul left the house, sprinting to the woods he was in earlier.

The ground was covered in soot, an area was cleared in the tree tops and he sunk down to the ground. His wolf was resurfacing again and he winced as he felt his wolf try to force its way through. He fell down and his thoughts went to his vision earlier. Raoul howled in pain as he felt the smoke enter his lungs, looking down to see a glow emanating from his body.

Raoul winced as he felt something beneath the ground poke his back. He rolled over and looked at a hand coming out of the ground. His legs were grasped by the hands and he backed up against the tree. Raoul called around for help, yet no one answered.

Calming his breath, the hands slowly receded back into the ground. His hands still shone from earlier and he hid them in his pockets. Raoul looked around before taking a leap of faith. He felt his head grow heavy as he thought about the forest clearing, going back to how it was before he was here.

Raoul opened his eyes with a smile, turning back to go home. The glow accompanying his hands slowly fading. He looked for Beta to no avail, instead going to find the sorcerer. His friend, Avery, answered the door, staying for the weekend.

"Hey, how can I help you?" Avery beckoned Raoul inside, stiffening as he did so.

"Zay, come here please and examine him." A fox trotted in a moment later before shifting into their human form.

"You reek of power yet you're a pureblood werewolf, fascinating." The fox came up to the wolf and Raoul growled as he sniffed him.

"It's suffocating him, his full potential has not been released because he cannot control it," the fox came back for another sniff and backed away, "no." Then he scurried off.

Raoul sat on the loveseat, watching as Avery hovered above the floor, his eyes rolled back. His whole body twitched as he did his work. He sunk into the couch, looking around in boredom. Raoul perked up as the fox entered the room again with a crystal in his hand.

The crystal glowed a dark red, nearly black. The fox grinned and walked away once more, brining in a cup of tea the color of the crystal. Zay motioned for Raoul to drink it and he looked at him with worry. He grimaced before drinking the unknown liquid.

Raoul's eyes glazed over as he began to see visions, some of his own life and some of others. He felt a hand enter his chest and his breathing hitched. His body shivered beneath the two as they did their work. Pulling away, Raoul was left breathless and weak.

"We need to take you to a specialist. Your reserves are about to overflow and we don't need you exploding. The main sorcerer in your pack should work, let's take you to her." Raoul was lifted up by Zay who threw him over their shoulder.

"Avery, what do I owe the pleasure?" The sorcerer opened the door with a wide smile, their white hair cascading down their back.

"Oh he's beautiful, his energy is radiating throughout the room, let's bring him in." Raoul was plopped down into a beanbag and felt himself relax as he breathed in the burning candles.

Without needing to speak words, the sorcerer came up to Raoul and placed their palms on his forehead. They pressed deeper, yet he felt no pain as she pressed into his soul. His soul was chained up, making the sorcerer frown. They brought their hands away and held his hands.

"I will put a barrier around us. Are you okay with me releasing the chains that bind you?" Raoul felt his wolf rising as they spoke and nodded.

The sorcerer brought their hands up and surrounded the four in a bubble, with an additional one around Raoul for his safety. They gripped onto his wrists and dug their hands in, reaching in and gripping onto his soul. Their body received a shock as they pushed past the barrier.

Raoul passed out in the chair, his energy radiating out in waves. The two sorcerers and trainee winced as it did so. The sorcerer brought down the barriers and looked down on the wolf. They looked back on the other sorcerers with a worried expression.

"Does he know?" The sorcerer looked back on Avery and Zay with a frown.

"I wouldn't assume so." Avery came over to look at the markings that decorated his friend's body.

"He couldn't, few of us even know of their existence." Zay reached out to touch Raoul and was met with a spark and winced.

"We need to tell him when he wakes up. I don't know how long that will be. With such a violent result," the sorcerer sighed and looked back on the two, "it could take days, maybe weeks, I'm not sure. I'll keep him under my care if that's okay with you two?"

Zay and Avery looked at each other before nodding. The sorcerer helped them out before levitating Raoul upstairs into a bedroom. They took care of Raoul for days, waiting to see a sign of improvement. One day the sorcerer noticed elaborate designs decorating his skin and a pool of sweat beneath him.

"Who are you?" Raoul asked, trying to get out of bed, only to collapse to the floor.

The sorcerer came to Raoul's side to offer a hand but was met with a shock. They were unable to touch the wolf as he laid on the ground. Raoul let out a cry as his wolf tried to break free again. The sorcerer backed away to give the wolf space.

The sorcerer picked up the phone and whispered, "Avery, Zay, this isn't a wolf that you brought me."

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