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"Quote yet to be written"

Kai -

The hunters would be coming soon, the bar was known for them. Kai sat with a drink and his dagger at his side glittering in the dim light. He sipped on the alcohol, feeling it burn down his throat. His body began to tingle as a small group of people walked into the bar.

Kai placed down his drink and sauntered over to the group. Although he was off duty as a bartender, he had his pad of paper on him ready to go. His patrons greeted him with smiles and eyes hungry for alcohol. He took their orders, receiving a glare from the current waiter.

"They're long time friends, I'll take care of them for you." Kai winked and started to make the hunters' drinks, slipping some drugs into them in the process.

Kai placed down their drinks at the booth and took their food orders before heading back to the cook. Once the food was done he brought it out to the group. The drug had already taken affect, they began to act sleepy as if they were lightweights. He allowed them to eat and pay before guiding them out the back.

"The food and drinks were absolutely delectable," one of the woman slurred and giggled as Kai picked her up and spun her around.

"Wonderful to hear ma'am, can I tell you a secret?" She nodded and Kai stabbed her in the neck, cutting her jugular and vocal cords.

He was merciless with his kills, finishing in less than a minute. Kai lapped up the blood to make it a clean kill. His inner monster purred at the taste of blood, each of the hunters having over 10 kills to their name. Kai was only given the worst to kill with his clean record, this group had been planning to attack another weak pack which would shoot up their numbers.

He felt the heat rise up and he began to burn the bodies. Many homeless folk lived in the general area so many people would think they're having a fire. Once the bodies were burned, Kai blew them into a whirlwind and spread them out over the asphalt, blending in.

Licking his fingers, he walked back inside and put the money into the register, keeping his tip in his pocket. His message to his boss sent as the bell dinged. Kai looked up with a fake smile and sat down at the bar again. He swirled his now melted ice and took a sip.

The newcomer sat next to him and his scent overwhelmed Kai. He huffed and ordered another drink from the bartender. His drink quickly arrived and he downed it in one gulp, the burning adding to his current fire. The bartender tended to the newcomer before coming back to Kai.

"Hey Jea, how are you?" Kai smiled at his good friend who laughed.

"Pretty mad I can't hop on your side gig. I've got enternity to catch up though." The vampire flashed his fangs and the two continued to chat.

The newcomer left the bar and went to the dancefloor. Kai watched the door, waiting for his boss to walk in. She came in a second too late, the newcomer had come back to the bar with a dainty male on his arm and the two sat in the open seats next to Kai.

"Have you completed your job yet?" Kai motions for his boss to go to the booth his victims were just at.

"They are finished, quite easily too. The drugs you gave me worked well. Their ashes are scattered out back." The woman grinned, her eyes turning black.

"I'll send Satan your regards. I'll send over your payment now. Your next task will be coming shortly." She kissed his cheek and her horns faded in and out before sauntering back out the door.

With a ding, Kai grinned at his new paycheck. He went back to the bar and Jea saw the smile on his face and went to the back to get him something special. The bartender came back out with Kai's favorite drink. Jea mentioned something about the newcomer to Kai but it fell on deaf ears.

"Why the hell are you in my seat? Scram," Kai growled, smelling dog on the man.

"The name's Xavion, why don't you sit down and join me, mate?" He purred and Kai grumbled before being pulled into his lap.

Kai snarled but was silenced when the dog released his pheromones. He glared at him before feeling his inner monster fight submission. His pheromones grew stronger and Kai finally submitted. He laid there silent, waiting to see what would happen next.

"Mhmm you're a feisty firecracker. I'm surprised," the man placed his head into his neck and caressed his back, "how peculiar, I can't smell your species." The man hummed before leaning back.

"What do you want with me?" Kai grumbled, the pheromones receeding and he felt like he could finally breathe.

"You don't know? I want you to shift, now." He growled, his eyes shifting to gold.

Kai shivered and tried to get out of the dog's grip. He felt his talons grip into his hips and let out a moan of pain. The dog perked up and dragged his canines down Kai's neck. Kai tried to pull away, but the dog kept him close.

"You don't want to show me, hmm? Come, you're high off everyone's pheromones here. Let's get you outside." The dog was right, Kai wasn't necessarily high off his pheromones, but they were strong in the bar tonight, even humans could smell something was off.

The dog carried Kai outside and the two sat down on a bench. Kai looked to the alley next to them and smiled at the thought of all his victims that laid to rest there. He had no remorse, he killed only the worst of the worst. If he didn't do his job, Satan could kill him, and that was worse than any prison.

"Hey, love, what's wrong?" Xavion looked down to see Kai going in and out of sleep.

"Can you please let me go? I don't know why you're so touchy, but I don't like being touched, especially by some dog." Kai let out a puff of fire and the dog laughed before pulling him closer.

"I can tell you haven't shifted in awhile, if ever. It's not healthy, can you please shift?" Kai looked at him with a confused expression.

"I can't shift, I have fire powers, that's it, now let me go!" He growled and the dog raised a brow.

Xavion saw his eyes flash orange before Kai continued to thrash in his grip. He knew upon meeting him that something was wrong. His aura was clouded and full of stress. He looked down on Kai and placed a hand on the back of his neck with a slight grip, and felt him relax into his chest.

"I won't force you to do anything that you don't want to do, but you need to shift. You're not as human as you think you are. Here's my phone number, please call when you're ready."

The dog kissed Kai's forehead and he pulled back with a glare. Xavion laughed and began to walk off without a care in the world. Kai sat there looking at the business card. He was the CEO of a construction business, made sense because he was a dog and they liked being outside stereotypically.

Kai continued to sit on the bench until he received another ping from his phone. Looking down, he grimaced. His next hit was a big one, and it was worth enough money to get him through the next few years. Kai smiled, cleaning his dagger as he walked off to his next kill.

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