chapter 22

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I walked from one office to the other in search of office number 200. After a long search I came to it and pressed the button on the door, immediately, the door to the office opened and I walked in. I came to a stop when I saw that the so called Dr. Ade was a man. I frowned a little then his melodious voice brought me to reality.

''welcome Dr. Amanda. I have been expecting you.''

''Good day Dr. Are you by any chance Dr Ade? I asked angrily.

''Yes please. Anything wrong with that?'' He asked with that same lovely voice. He even smiled revealing his beautiful dimples. I was taken aback by his good looks and charms. He sounded so calm yet calculated. But I wasn't going to fall for his charms.

''Ofcourse! Everything is wrong with it. You're even a man to begin with and Edna knows I don't like to have anything to do with men....

''Ha! I understand because they're so cute like me? He smiled again.

''No! Is because they're a.n.i.m.a.l.s!

''oops! That means we have something in common because I think women are bigger a.n.i.m.a.l.s!

''Excuse me?

''Yes, you're excused because you're included.

If eyes could shoot daggers, my eyes would have shot a thousand daggers in one second.

''I'm. Not. An. Animal!'' I said with all my might.

''I would have loved to believe you but I can't because there's a saying that goes 'birds of the same feather flocks together'. So it takes an animal to recognise an animal. More so, women are heart breakers therefore, women are animals!

''How dare you generalize like that! Say some woman are Heartbreakers not all!''

''Why should I say that when my ex broke my heart...

''That's ridiculous! Every woman is not like your ex. Everyone is different!


''And why are you laughing?''

''Because you have managed to answer your own self Amanda. Everyone is different! Therefore, I am different because I'm Ade and he was Marcus. Everyone is unique. With each one's weaknesses and strength. Just as you have rightly said,it would be so wrong of me to judge you based on my experience with my ex. Whatever I had with my ex must remain within the limit of my ex. Else, I would unconsciously make an innocent person pay for my hurt!

''How did you know about Marcus?''

''Look Amanda. I will be happy to journey with you if you let me.

He paused awhile then took a deep breath. ''That would be all for this section''

''Excuse me? But we haven't done anything other than urgue!

''Yes I know. That's enough for one section. Have a nice day Amanda.

He gave me that killer smile again and I felt like melting. I picked my bag and was about to open the door when he added

''Our section tomorrow is at 9:am. See you then.

That night I couldn't sleep. Who on earth was this Ade of a guy? It looked as though he knew everything about me.

Oh his eyes..his dimples. Gosh! What's happening to me! I closed my eyes but all I could see was that killer smile that nearly melt me like wax that's close to a burning flame.

The following day I was at the office by 8:55am.

''Oh! I wasn't expecting Dr. Amanda.'' Dr. Ade said with that killer smile again.

''I assume the section has begun. Call me Amanda.

''Oh that would make it much more easier. And I guess you can call me Ade.'' he said as he stretch out his hand. Nice to meet you Amanda.

''Same here...Ade'' I replied as I took his soft hand.

The section began on a very friendly note. He was fun to be with. He told me how his ex left him for a richer guy. His struggle and pains and how he over came it.

What baffled me was how he spoke about it with so much ease and even laughed over it.

''How come you don't feel any anger as you talk about this?''

''Is because I recall it all in the light of forgiveness of myself for offending so many people in my depressed days as well as those that caused the depression. You see Amanda, as long as we live we will be hurt and we will hurt others as well. So we must keep forgiving ourselves for the mistakes we make on this part of life and those that we believe either led us astray or betrayed us.

The more he spoke the more I wept.

''It okay to cry. Cry away your anger and tell yourself the truth.

''What truth?''

''That it was Marcus who hurt you this much not every male out there.''

There was silence in the office until he said. Repeat after me Amanda, ''Marcus you hurt me so bad!''

I did as he said ''Marcus you hurt me so bad! And I'm so angry at you''

''Louder! He order


Good! That's it. We have named your anger.

''Now how do you feel?''

''I feel so angry right now and I wish he were here so that I could punch his face real hard.''

''Oh don't worry I can get you Marcus to Punch real hard as you want. Are you sure you really want to see him after such a long time?''

''Yes I'm! I replied with so much rage.

''Alright then, follow me. '' Ade commanded.

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