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It's 3 in the morning and Emily is shouting like everyone is deaf which is very annoying. So what if your brother is getting married, you just can't go and order people around.

" Hey sleepyhead! Wake up you know that our flight is in 3 hours and it will take 1 hour just to reach at the airport." Let me tell you she bragged into my room like she owns it. And I am not a morning person and I am not sleeping but for some reason I don't want to leave my bed specially when she has practically murdered my ear drum. Yesterday I had a conflict with Drew, my birthday spent just any other normal day, and this girl is yelling at me. God where does she get so much energy in morning. "Come on Olly! wake up I don't want to late just because of you. It already 3. GET UP." She is yelling and kicking me. Turning on all the lights in my room while checking if I had packed my stuff which I forgot.

I get up from my bed because I know nothing can keep her quite and it's really irritating in the morning. I head up to my washroom did my morning task, took a shower and I am out of the bathroom in record 30 min. I can be fast if I want to. As I came back in the room, Emily has packed all my necessities. But she hasn't stopped yelling and complaining.

" I am up. Ready for the journey and we have much time in our hand so please shut up." I informed her as I puts my clothes on and straightened my bed hair.

" Yeah I know but I don't want to miss anything. It's been one and a half years since I last saw him. And I also know that you are not interested in going there but you should also explore and experience new thing. Yes it's my brother's wedding but please can you be a little bit more considerate about me, my feelings. Please!" She pleads in such a cute way that you can't say no. This is the thing about her She is actually tiny like 5'2" or may be 3" and cute with chocolatey eyes and dimples. If you don't know her real age then you can't guess it right. She looks like 19 or 20 for her 28 which is pretty cool and she is proud of that. But sometimes I can't stand her just like right now but then she does something sweet like packing my stuff , you can't stay angry for long, really never. She is like my older sister in this pack she is a human and have been in this pack for almost 3 years. So there is a sibling bond between us and she really takes care of me.

" First of all never ever enter my room without knocking what if I was naked." At which she laughed.

" Then I will be glad to know that my baby brother has grown up." raising her brow with wide smile on her face, she replied. We both chuckled at that. "Well wedding is tomorrow and we almost have 10 hour ahead to reach Miami so it will be good if we hurry so that we all can have some rest before ceremony." She told me and I know she right but for some reason I don't want to go to that wedding.

" Please stop this brother sister fight we gotta go. So move your asses NOW." James huffed as soon as he entered my room without permission, mannnn what about basic etiquettes.

" Knock first , ask before coming in. This is my room not yours."

" Doors are wide open which means anyone can enter. Move fast guys and Emily, Luna is waiting for you in her car."

" What about Oliver and others?" see she cares like a mom.

" Me, Oliver, Drake and Hanna are coming in Drew's car. He wants to see his friend off. And Carmen will be accompanying you in your car."

So D is not mad at me which is good because I didn't get a chance to explain or talk to him and I don't think so I will be getting any sooner since we have to stay there for like 4 days this means total 6 days. We all got to our cars but when I didn't find any worry or uneasiness on D's face, I was really relieved.

" Have fun and make sure to take some pictures. I want to see you in a tuxedo." I nodded then we hugged. I get my seat in front and others got in the back. Emily's car is already out of the pack house and after like 50 aur 55min. we made it to the airport and I gave a last tight hug to Drew and we all went inside. We checked in and now we are sitting in our seats. Alpha made sure to get business class for us. Money can do anything we are all in the same cabin so it's a win win.

" What is your brother's name btw ?" Carmen asked and everyone is smiling because nobady has ever met him in person. We have heard stories about him but never met him. So Emily should be surprised that she doesn't know his name like everyone in the pack knows his name.

"Elliot Robinson. But never use his full name he doesn't like it just call him Elio or Rob or Robin anything." She told her excitedly her eyes are sparkling.

" And what he does for living like his job because of the budget of the wedding he seems really rich and his wife? We don't know much about them and I don't want feel like an outsider so you fill me in about them. I don't think anyone of us want to feel awkward at the wedding" Carmen continues with her questioning but she has a point.

" He has some kind of agency for bodyguard. I reall don't know. He provides security to higher up and it's quite a business." She stopped after that playing with her hairs and peeping at Luna. " Guys there is this thing you should know and please don't get mad." Okay this is no good, the way she said that was very weird.

" What thing?" Drake asked, he is our pack warrior he is really good at fighting that's why he came with us. To keep us safe.

" He doesn't know about you being a wolf or any sort of supernatural thing. So please guys can cover your wolf pheromones. I don't want him know anything about this, don't ask why."

" We will and I know that this wedding is really important to you and your brother. This is the first happy event after your parents death. So relax and enjoy every single moment of it." Luna told her or basically ordered us to do as Emily wants.

As for me, I really don't know what to expect from this wedding. It feels like something is waiting for me good or bad I don't know and I don't care. " I think we should take some rest before we reach our destination we all woke up really in the morning to catch this flight so get some rest." And everyone quite down after that.


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