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I woke up in same room in which I was admitted few days ago, that simple room with an annoying heart beeping sound. I opened my eyes and saw Drew sitting on the chair next to bed, he was sleeping but he had a tight hold on my hand. I didn't move my hand or my body not that I could since my body was aching so bad and my head was about split in two. I looked around and noticed there was no light coming from window which looked out to the forest so I guessed it was night time. I stayed as still as I could be but a slight movement of hand woke up Drew.

"Hey." He said watching me cautiously. His voice was hoarse and eyes were puffy and red like he had been crying for God knows how long. He didn't meet my eyes instead looked at the place where Jake had hit me.

Oh right! Jake.

That fucker.

Even though many questions were running through my head, one look at Drew and I couldn't bring myself to ask. So I asked him what had been on my mind.

"You okay?" I asked, gricming how my own voice was ragged and my throat was hurting. He noticed and got up from his seat, brought a cup of warm water which was soothing for my throat. After I finished drinking it, he took the cup and placed it on the little table next to my bed.

"Do you want me to call the doctor?"

"Are you okay, Drew?" I tried again to which  he looked at me as if I'd asked his kidney. He narrowed his eyes and stared out the window. After a few deep breaths and an awkward silence, he faced me. His face was expressionless so it was hard to know what was going through his head.

"I will tell Alpha that you are awake. He was worried. I'll ask the doctor to come and see you, they said you should rest and to not move too much So don't move or talk." He grumbled as he stood up, trying leave the room quickly, so I grabbed his hand that way I can stop him which was stupid because that sudden movement made a jolting pain shot through my head. I clutched my head and groaned in pain.

"SHIT. I told you not to move. Are you deaf?" Drew gently put his hand under my head and helped me lay in the bed then gave me some pill-painkillers which were pretty strong as I was a half wolf but a wolf none the less. "Here, take this." Without any questions I took the pills.

"D, what happened?" He acted like he didn't hear my question. That was frustrating me, he wasn't looking at me or rather he just didn't want to. But I could be stubborn when I want.

"You should rest."

This is the thing I hate most about him. Whenever there was something bothering him instead of discussing it, he did his best to ignore it. To solve a problem, you first have to admit that there is a problem which he never does. And it's not the first time he has done it. When he was having problems with his parents, he did the exact same thing. He never told me what exactly happened or what they were angry about. I have a tiny doubt that it was because of his mating with Jake but I am not too sure.

"Talk to me Drew." I pleaded after a while. Good thing he didn't leave the room, bad thing he wasn't talking.

"There is nothing to talk about."

I heaved a frustrated sigh. I gestured him to take his seat. He obeyed and sat, much to mu relief. I took his hand in mine and that's when I noticed how cold his hand was. He is werewolf, werewolves don't feel cold.

"Why are you hands so cold?" He didn't answer, just glared at our hands or maybe just his.

"I don't know. I have been feeling cold for a few days." He mumbled.

"But why?"

"As I said I don't know."

"Drew," I gripped his hand tightly so that he didn't try to run away from this conversation but he was making me angry, "You have been behaving weird and when I asked you simply brushed it off. So I thought may be you need time to process everything but now you are pissing me off to the level where I am tempted to break your neck. Just sit here and talk. Tell me what is it bothering you," He opened his mouth to argue me but I pointed my finger in his face to stop him, "Don't even think of giving me any excuse or try to hide anything."

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