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Isn't it funny how I never was so desperate for my mate but now, now when saw him, touched him, felt his warm, sweet smile I can't keep my mind off him. Is that how everybody feels when they meet them their mates, is that how I should feel? Now he is married and he looks so happy holding his wife's hand, the look in his eyes is fill with love and adoration. How can I possibly say that he is my mate? I even don't want to look at his face properly because if I do, god knows what will I do or what will happen to me. Pathetic right, but if I don't know how he looks then it will easy for me to not going insane. I will be able to live with the memory of those beautiful green eyes. And I can......

" iver...Oliver Oliver! Hey! are you listening?" Emily shakes me out of my thoughts and I looked around just to find that everyone wishing and teasing the new married couple.

"I was just thinking. What were you saying?" I reply. It is hard to tear my gaze away from the those two, laughing and enjoying their first day as husband and wife.

"Well I want you to meet Norah." Emily pulls my arm to make me move but my feet are frozen and my eyes are glued at him.

He looks so beautiful in that tux!

"Norah? Who is she?"

"What you mean Oliver?" She gasped at my words very dramatically putting her hands over her mouth shaking her head in disbelief, "NORAH, she is THE BRIDE. What's wrong with you? Where is your mind? Did you forget it at pack house?" She asked mockingly. She is still smiling though so it's clear she isn't angry. How could she? Today is big day, her brother got married.

"Oh yeah the bride. So?" Her name is Norah. Such a beautiful name but don't expect any honor from me please.

"So you brat come with me and greet her." She pulled me towards the direction where Norah was talking with some people. Wearing that white dress matching her baby blue eyes with dark golden hair. It is not like I am complimenting her. It is just a fact. She is beautiful.

"Tt's not necessary. It's time for cake and their dance we should let them enjoy their moment." I try so that I don't have to be any near proximity to any of the groom or bride. But Emily didn't budge, instead she puahed me harder.

"Oliver, are you alright? Something happened? Tell me." She aksed when she looked over her shoulder at me.

"No. Why?" This reassurance is as weak as I feel right now. I know my emotions are on total display to see. I just hope she is drunk enough to not notice.

"Everything is done. Cake, their dance, mine and Rob's dance, Norah's dance with her father and you were there all the time. What is it sweety ?" She again asked, her eyes worried and her hold on my arm tightens.

Was I seriously so engrossed in my thoughts that I missed everything. Although it is for good, I didn't witness all the lovey-dovey shit.

"Nothing is wrong. Just tired." I lied but I can't tell her truth.

"Even if your mood is down right now, you have to meet her everyone has already met her except you." But why I don't want to. " Oliver I have never meet someone like her. She is so beautiful not outside but inside." You have met her like just 48 hours ago how can you be so sure. " She loves him and I think she is perfect for him." Perfect huh? I chuckled at this word bitterly.

Slowly we passed the people to make our way to her. Again not gonna lie she is beautiful but every girl looks beautiful in a wedding dress. She also looks gentle but she has to be specially on her wedding with her own guests. She is kind but people can fake, right? Right.

As reached them, I did my hardest to not look at Mr. Robinson. So I focus on the beautiful decoration.

"So meet. This is Oliver. Oliver, meet Norah." Emily does the honours when I failed to open my mouth.

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