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Hey guys! First of all HAPPY HOLI, YAYYY like anybody cares if it's holi. Ok so second thing is that many people have added this story to their reading list for which I am really grateful, thank you everyone for adding this. When ever I get any notification like that the first thought pop up in my mind is that how did they find it, is wattpad recommending it, seriously? And I also noticed that LeannaRash is the first one who added this story wow! I also have 2 followers now. I don't know why they are following me still I am happy.
Thank you guys❤️❤️❤️❤️.

Something is really wrong with my luck, it's as if I am out of it. Like I have used it all and now there is nothing good left for me.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Carmen groaned beside me. We are all inside the house well not all only a few members because we can't explain why there are so many people here. Mr and Mrs. Robinson are interacting with some of them. From the looks on their face it looks like they like it here so far.

"You seriously don't like her, do you?" I asked keeping an eye on Mrs. Robinson.

"I can't find myself liking her in near future. This woman gives odd vibes like she is mocking everyone around her. And the most surprising thing is that why Alpha allowed them here?" If only looks could kill Mrs. Robinson would be dead by now, just how much She is glaring at her.

"This is what I want to know. Alpha never let anyone on our ground so why them?" As much as like the fact that he is here, I am also worried because of the recent attack. They need to be safe.

"EVERYONE" we all truned to look at Alpha "As you know all we have guest after a really long time. I want you to be nice to them and entertain also." Everyone cheer and howl in excitement making him really happy oh god that damn smile of his.

~:: I don't want any of you to make any mistake, be careful and also keep an eye on your children don't let them do anything stupid. They don't know that we are werewolves. Is that clear? ::~ Alpha said through our mindlink and we all replied with a yes Alpha.

~:: Then why are they here when we can't even be ourselves? What will happen when their wolves want to go on run or hunt? It's like we are risking entire pack's safety because of them. ::~ I asked Alpha through our mindlink making sure nobody else listen to it and he shoots me a look.

~:: 11pm, my office. I know you have many questions Oliver and I'm willing to answer which I feel like I should. And I am not risking anyone here. I have my reasons for letting them on my grounds, I am your Alpha and I'll die before you so relax. ::~ And with that we closed the link.

Emily waved at me to join her and some others. I really don't want to go there since she sitting with them on couch. Others are sitting on chairs which are either sides of the couch and some are standing and talking. but like a good brother I am I still walked up to her and sat beside her. Everyone is fussing over how they look good together and how their son is a beautiful creation of them, seriously? I mean yes this boy is cute and all just as other children are but I don't find any similarities between him and his father, Ughh.... I don't even like the sound of it.

"Isn't he cute?" Emily cooed their son and looked at me for some awww reaction but no I couldn't say that,how can I?

"Hmm..ye....yeah yup he is."

"What's with this reaction?"

"You know that I am not really good with kids, Emily so just...." I shrugged.

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