C H A P T E R 8

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The interviews for readmission were starting next week and I had sent my application. I just had one more year remaining after which I would get my degree. Meanwhile, I was searching for content writing jobs so I could get some experience of the professional world.

I had spent the whole day in my research. I was too bored right after so I began watching "Mindhunter" because it was the best time pass for me. I could spend all day watching crime shows on Youtube and Netflix without any regret. I binge-watched a few episodes and got tired because I didn't have any snacks. At last, I decided to get up and go help Hailey and others as it was almost time for dinner. I heard there were guests coming again. What's with rich people and new guests everyday? I barely have one friend who shows up once in a month. 

I wore a plain black dress that Hailey had given me yesterday with black pumps and walked towards the mansion. It took me quite sometime since I couldn't stop myself from admiring the mesmerizing views in front of me; I could watch it all day. When I arrived in the kitchen through the back door, everyone was already serving and I could hear faint voices coming from the dining hall. I was aware that my bruises looked absolutely hideous because they had darkened and the cut on my lip had gotten worse as a nasty scab had formed over it now. If this cut leaves a scar, I'm going to be extremely disappointed. 

"Woah, what are you doing here?" Hailey asked when she saw me.

"To help." I answered and was met with a weird expression on her face,

"Why are you so stubborn on working today?"

"Would you rather have me get bed sores by lying in bed all day?" I examined the dishes. It smelled like heaven. My foodie side was happy being in here.

"You don't get bed sores in one day. Anyways, can you see if there's anything missing on the table? I think we have served everything." She said and got busy with garnishing the dessert, which looked extremely appetizing. I silently prayed that I get some after work.

I reached the kitchen door and tried looking at the table which was impossible so I had to go and check. As soon as I was in the proximity of the guests and Asher, I was met with stares. I ignored the guests but Asher's piercing gaze made me fidget in my spot. Of course, makeup didn't conceal the bruises and the damned lip cut. 

"Do you need anything else?" I asked awkwardly, and Asher dismissed me. I  came back, told Hailey that water wasn't there and sat in the one of the corner chairs near the back door. It was opened so I could feel the cool breeze on my face. I wasn't really a pronounced nature lover but when I noticed something like this, I appreciated it. I looked at my knee and realized it was scratched too. I had forgotten to put a band aid on it which was wrong since I was in the kitchen. 

Suddenly, I wasn't interested in anything. In the job, or the second dessert which was left untouched on the table because the guests were in a hurry, or the steaming tea on the stove which Julia was making for all of us, or the cool breeze against my face and the thought of Asher meaning something to me. I was suddenly hating all of these things and especially myself for even thinking about a man who hadn't bothered to acknowledge me. He thought I wouldn't be good enough to work in his office; that I wasn't deserving. I hated these moments. They felt as if you were suspended in the air, waiting in anticipation for the air to put you down so you could continue living. The air wasn't allowing me to live, it was suffocating me.

I felt trapped inside me and it was hard to breath. 

"not good enough"

"good for nothing"


The words were ringing in my ears. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my left arm and I felt my heart drowning.

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