so the other day i was really upset about a breakup that i just went through. and i was really upset about it and i was like ranting to everyone and getting pissed at the smallest things, but then out of freaking nowhere! a girl walked into the classroom. her name is Lily (not my dog lily, my friend's sister, lily my other friend's sister, lily my cousin, my friend or my cousin's cat. all named lily) anyway she walked into the room cause she is in leadership which does stuff like organizes school events and crap like that so she was there with her friend to announce the new date for the talent show thingie so yeah. anyways this girl has been going to my school for a year now and i have never really noticed her until now. and honestly, she's really sweet. when i first saw her i actually could not stop looking at her. and then my friend waved her hand in my face and was like "wake the hell upppp" and she saw who i was staring at and she's like "omg... you like her!" i literally didn't even deny it lmao. like actually i really like this girl. and i was like "yo i wonder if she's into girls" omg and my friend's hand goes up and my courage goes down. like holy crap. "what the hell are you doing!?" i stared at my friend like i was so scared "seeing if she likes girls!" and i freaking have a panic attack man like omgggggg. like omg this bitc- idek... like man she's a pain sometimes, puts up her freaking hand and says "i HaVe A QuEstiOn!" and i was like omgggg this girl i stg imma actually yeet her pff a bridge holy crap oml. so lily, of course being really nice, walks over to us and asks what the question is. i legit just sit there like a freaking fish in finding Nemo like the dead ones lmao. and my friend is like "oh i had a question about something..." and i was in the middle of a heart attack but that didn't freaking stop me... "nope! no questions we are all good here! seriously we don't need anything so... okay" and she starts insisting that we ask her the question and so i come up with the best possible thing i could think of... "how many people can be in one act in the talent show?" so she told me but honestly i couldn't care less because i was already planning on signing up with my two friends madi and zoe. zOe was the one who nearly ratted me out to lily. jeez. bruhhh. so anyways then she left and the rest of my day was weird i found a ten pack of nuggets at the bus stop but i didn't wanna eat them, a homeless man yelled at me so i gave him the nuggets lmao. so yeah thats my life at the moment. noice right? yeah
okay adios amigos!
oh also my birthday is in 22 days 19 hours and 26 minutes