Who Are You?

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Amelia gets her things ready, she heads downstairs with Elena following her.

"Amy, why are you still avoiding me? It's been a week!"

"Really, Elena?" She stops at the front door and turns back to her twin. "Is it too much to ask for a day of peace without your supernatural drama?"

"Amy, it's important! Jeremy lost his job and ever since Bonnie broke up with him, he's not talking to anyone and he's failing classes."

"He talks to me, he just doesn't want to talk to you. The difference between you and me is that I'm not so controlling and allow him to make his own decisions."

"That is not fair-"

"Are you serious? You're not his parent or mine. Stop trying to take over. As for his grades, I've got it handled. So leave him alone... Let him live his life. Jeremy will get through it and he can't do that if you keep making him do what you want."

"I have never-"


"You had Damon not only compel Jeremy to forget what happened to Vicki but also compel me to forget about the existence of vampires because I wanted them out of our house... Am I wrong?"

"Amy, you know that I apologized for that-"

"And you know that I didn't forgive for you that."

"Amy, you rarely talk like this... I thought everything was good between us!"

"...Did you honestly believe that? Elena, I was always holding back my true feelings for your sake because I was always scared that one of us would die and I didn't want that happening, thinking we hated each other. I'm tired of holding back so from now on, I will tell you how I really feel so you can understand what you put me and everyone else through."

She walks out of the house, slamming the door behind her and leaving a stunned Elena.

Amelia sits on a bench in the town square and begins taking pictures of the environment. Someone sits next to her and she immediately knows who it is by looking at them.

"Hey, Kat." Amelia's eyes widened. "Wait! Should you be here in Mystic Falls? Won't Klaus-"

"I'm good, I have protection. Now, you were always able to tell when it was me. One of the reasons why you're my favorite."

"I much rather have you as my twin than Elena."

"Uh oh, what did she do this time?"

"She's just being her annoying self again. She's mad because Jeremy won't talk to her but he talks to me."

"Pepperoni..." Katherine sighs. "Why do you think you're everyone's favorite Gilbert?"

Amelia chuckles. "You're only saying that because you don't like her."

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