Just You and Me

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"Amelia, what is this? You seriously have a SpongeBob SquarePants plushie?" James picks it up from her bed.

"Yeah, I watch the show every morning! What of it?" She takes it from him and puts it in her bag.

"You even have the Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy plush dolls, the three musketeers version of them!"

"Who doesn't love Mickey Mouse and friends?!" 

"...You're a Final Fantasy fan, huh?" Smirking as he sees her video game shelf.

"James, come on! Are you going to help me pack or not?"

"Hey, I'm learning!" He laughs until he sees a picture on her nightstand and goes to pick it up. "...Oh my god! Look at you dressed up as Batman! What were you eight? You're so adorable!"

"Aren't you suppose to be telling me about the soulmate thing and that curse?"

"Okay, okay. But first, since I've learned a few things about you already, you can learn a few things about me."

"Really?" He wiggles his eyebrows and grins, making her laugh. "Okay... Do you have a favorite superhero?"

"Yes and just like you, it's Batman. He's the most badass." He hands her the picture and she packs it away.

She giggles. "Hmm... Ooh! Favorite pizza topping? If you like pizza."

"Who doesn't like pizza? Sausage."

"Good because if you had even said pineapple, you would have lost points."

"Not a fan of pineapples?"

"I'm fine with pineapple if it's in capri sun or hawaiian punch. But it is not okay with pizza."

"I'll be sure to remember that." He lightly pinches her cheek and she smacks his hand away.

"Anything that you're passionate about? For me, it's photography."

"...That's a surprise saved for another time."

"What? Why?!"

"Because..." He shrugs.

"Oh come on! How long will I have to wait for that?!" She whines.

"Because I'm still getting settled here in the town and I want it to be perfect for when you do see it... If you still want to continue knowing me by then." He mumbles the last part to himself.

"Fine then... How old are you?"

"Around nine-hundred."

"Oh...so you're ancient."

"Excuse you?" He leans in, startling her and quickly wraps his arm around her waist to keep her from falling back. "Does this handsome face look ancient to you?"

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