Happy Birthday!

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While in her new room, Amelia is on her phone talking to Bonnie before getting ready to leave for school.

"So you guys are settled into your new place now?"

"Yep... We feel a lot better now. Having control over our lives and-"

Jeremy suddenly barges into her room. "So are we going to talk about the guy you had in your room?"

"What guy?!" Bonnie shouts.

"Gotta go! See you at school, Bon Bon! Love you!" She quickly hangs up and glares at him. "Snitch! And what happened to knocking?!"

"I didn't know you were on the phone and you lost that right when you had that jackass in your room!"

"Wow..." She lightly chuckles. "My baby brother is so protective of me when it comes to guys!" She pinches his cheek and he smacks her hand away. "Remember when we were kids? Tyler was trying to get me to be his girlfriend and that's when you kicked his precious jewels."

"As your brother, I have to make sure you end up with a guy who treat you right."

"You should also remember to knock before entering my room." She retorts while grabbing her bag and pushing him out the room.


"Oh, I forgot." She smacks the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He glares at her.


"You didn't complain before!"

"Yeah, I only let you get away with it when it was towards Elena, Alaric and the dumbasses. When it doesn't involve them, watch your mouth...or I'll do this."

She grabs his ear, pulling him with her to the front door.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry! Let me go!" He whines.

Caroline is still in bed, moping until Amelia suddenly jumps onto her.

"Melly, seriously?!" Caroline groans.

"Happy birthday, Care!" Amelia squeals, hugging her tightly. "You did the same thing to me so you get the same treatment!"

"Go away. I'm not celebrating."


"Because it's a reminder that technically... I'm dead. You know I hated being seventeen. The only point of being seventeen is to get to eighteen. So I'm stuck!"

"Care... Do you like who you are now?"


"Then your age shouldn't matter. So what if you remain seventeen for the rest of you immortal life? Human or vampire, it doesn't matter. I loved back then and I love you now. No matter who or what you are."

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