It's All Fun And Games

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"Where the hell are you!?" I hear. I don't know where I'm running, but I'm going as fast as I can. I'm in the woods, and I see a glimpse of light go by. A road. My legs carry me as fast as I can go hoping there will be someone there to save me, but I'm not fast enough. I'm tackled. I try to struggle out of my captors hold, but there's no use. "You thought you could run from me? I'm your worst nightmare!"

"(Y/N) wake up!" Ethan says as I shoot up. Spencer is barking as I frantically look around the room. "You were panting when I came in here. What were you dreaming about?" Ethan asks. "I-I'm not sure." I say before looking at the time. It's almost quarter after five. "I was running from something, someone maybe. In a woods somewhere. I don't know probably just a bad dream. I used to get them all the time when I was little."

"Well just try to go back to bed?" Ethan's says, well rather questions. "Nah, I'm already awake. I can make some breakfast and coffee by the time you get back up." I say, getting out of bed. "Ok, suit yourself." Ethan then heads back to his room. I go and look in the mirror, dark circles have formed under my eyes and my hair is a mess. I brush my hair and change out of my pajamas before heading to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face before heading to the kitchen.

I start a pot of coffee before turning on the TV. Nothing good is on in the mornings, but it's nice to have background noise. Spencer comes into the kitchen and heads towards the door. I let him outside and leave the door open. It's a calm, cool morning and the sun is just peaking over the horizon. I poor a cup of coffee and add some creamer before I go sit outside. I just sit there and watch the sun rise. The reds and oranges slowly fill the sky, and all seems calm in the world.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and see that I have a message from Sean. It reads, "(Y/N), I hope you're safe. I'm sorry I didn't answer your call, but don't call me again. I will contact you. I love you, I hope you're doing well and I promise everything will go back to normal soon." I sit there confused. He's acting like Mark. Are they in on this thing together?

Spencer comes and lays on the ground by me. I sigh as I scratch his head. I take sips of my warm coffee as the sun continually rises. As I finish my coffee the reds and oranges have turned into yellows and blue. I head in before placing my mug in the sink. Spencer follows behind me and I shut the back door. The clock on the stove reads eight-thirty. We should probably leave by nine-fifteen if we want to make it to Hi5 by ten.

I decide to make Ethan breakfast, food seems to motivate him. I pull the eggs out of the fridge and put some bread in the toaster. I crack open a few eggs after putting some butter in the pan. The eggs sizzle as the toast pops up. I butter the toast before flipping the eggs. I take out two plates and separate the food between me and Ethan.

I take the plate and walk down the hall to Ethan's room. I knock on the door before entering. Ethan is still sleeping in bed. I shake him a little bit and he wakes up. "Ethan, breakfast is ready." I say, waving the plate in front of his face. He sits up and tries to grab the plate, but I pull it away. "Not until you get up and get dressed. Show me some hustle." I say, taking the plate with me as I leave the room.

Moments later as I sit in the kitchen eating my food, Ethan arrives. He's dressed, but his hair is still a mess. He sits across the table from me and starts eating his food. "We have to leave in like fifteen to thirty minutes you know." I say, as I finish my food. "I know, I'll be ready." Ethan says, scarfing down his food.

I wash the dishes as Ethan goes to finish getting ready. I let Spencer outside on more time before I yell for Ethan. "Ethan, I'm leaving with or without you!" Soon he is running down the hall, putting on his sweatshirt as he does. "Ready." He says, panting. Spencer comes back inside and I shut the back door before locking it. Ethan and I walk out the front door and head to my car. 

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