Somewhere Away

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I run as fast as my legs can carry me, but I don't hear footsteps behind me anymore. I turn around, and Ethan is gone. I look around, but he's nowhere in sight. Spencer whimpers in my arms and I set him down and kneel to catch my breath. "This is all my fault." I say, hugging Spencer in my arms. He nudges my cheek and licks my face. I smile a little before I hear a small rustle. I look around to see a small rabbit hop into the path. Spencer barks, but he's not barking at the rabbit. I look around a little more, but I still don't see anything.

I stand to get a better look, but I still don't see anything. Spencer continues to bark and I begin to worry as he starts to growl. He runs into the brush and I hear someone yell in pain. "Spencer back!" I yell. He whimpers, but never comes out of the brush. "Spencer?" I ask, inching closer. All of the sudden I'm met face to face with Mark. Well, not really Mark. "What's wrong with you!?" I yell backing away slowly. "Nothings wrong with me, it was Mark who was wrong. He should've let me take over a long time ago."

I continue to back away, but I back into a tree. "Mark is no more. Dark's come out to play." Dark says coming towards me. I turn and run. I know I can't stop, but I want to go back and get Spencer and Ethan. I put them in danger, but I can't do anything for them. "Where the hell are you!?" I hear. I don't know where I'm running, but I'm going as fast as I can. I'm in the woods, and I see a glimpse of light go by. A road. My legs carry me as fast as I can go hoping there will be someone there to save me, but I'm not fast enough. I'm tackled. I try to struggle out of my captors hold, but there's no use. "You thought you could run from me? I'm your worst nightmare!"

I continue to struggle, but my arms are pinned down and a knee is stabbing into my back. "You, are mine. You, are going to do everything I say. You, are the key to my freedom." Dark says, digging his knee further into my back. I don't say anything as Dark pulls me up from the ground. I don't struggle anymore, I just let him take me. No one else needs to get hurt for me. I'm not sure where Dark is taking me, but we aren't going the same way we came from.

We keep walking and eventually we reach a road with a car parked on the side. It's Mark's car. "Now listen; you're gonna get in the back seat, sit still, and not try to escape." Dark says. I nod and he lets me go. I could run now, but I feel like this is some sort of test. I get in the back seat and buckle in before he starts the car. I just stare out the window, still having no idea of where we are going. We drive for a bit longer and we are back to a very familiar place.

Dark pulls up to Mark's house and gets out of the car. He opens the back door. "Get out. Now." He says. I get out and follow him inside. He grabs my arm and takes me to the kitchen. He ties me down in one of the chairs and grabs my chin. "Now, I'm gonna let you talk to Mark. You're gonna tell him that he needs to do the separation, and if he doesn't I'll kill you." Dark says. I nod, and Dark backs away from me. He sits on the couch before he passes out.

I sit there quietly for awhile, and I look back over to Dark. His skin looks like it's gaining color and he's twitching. It's weird to watch, but shortly he wakes up. He groans and runs his hand through his hair before looking around. His eyes widen as he see me and runs over to me. "What are you doing here, I thought I told you to stay away?" He says walking over to me and untying me. His eyes are a chocolate brown rather than the black that they were.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" He asks again. I realize now that this is Mark, not Dark. They can somehow switch back and forth between their consciousness. "Dark brought me here. It's a long story, but he found me. He said he'd let me talk to you and tell you you need to do the separation or he'll kill me. But I don't want you to Mark. I think if you two separate he'll kill you." I say. Mark hugs me, tighter than he ever has before. "(Y/N), we'll be ok. I need to leave now. Go somewhere he won't ever find you." Mark says.

"I can't. He's already hurt so many of our friends Mark. I can't let him keep doing this." I say. "Just don't let anyone know where you are. And I mean no one this time. He'll know they don't know." Mark says. I nod and hug him one last time before heading out the door. There's only one place I can think to go, home. I drive to the airport, and by the time I get there it's almost eleven at night. I have no suitcase with me, the only things I have is my wallet and my passport. I walk up to the line and wait for half an hour before making my way to the front.

"I need a ticket to Ireland on the next flight out of here." I say, debit card in hand. "The next plane directly to Ireland is in three days, but we have one going out tomorrow that has a few layovers." The attendant says. "Give me that one then." I say. "Any luggage?" "No." "And will this be a one way ticket or would you like to get one for coming back?" "One way, and is there any chance I could get a window seat?"

She nods as I hand her my card and she swipes it before handing it back to me with the receipt. My ticket prints out and she hands it to me. "Have a wonderful trip." She says, a smile wide across her face. If only she knew why I was going. I go through security and into the terminal. I sit down and wait there all night. I get some food and a coffee to stay awake, and before I know it the sun is rising. I look at my ticket, and my flight doesn't leave until eight o'clock. That's about two hours from now.

I start to look around at all the people walking past and going to their own terminals. I wonder why they must be traveling. Maybe a business trip, or a fun vacation with the whole family. I get one more coffee and head to the bathroom before I see my plane arrive. They start calling anyone who is handicapped or who has a stroller to get on and then they call by section. As I hear my section get called I stand and head to the line. The flight attendant scans my ticket and I get on the plane. It's about another ten minutes before we actually take off.

I fasten my seat belt as the plane rises in the sky. Pretty soon we are flying a a smooth pace with no turbulence and I take of my seat belt. One flight attendant offers me a pop, so I ask for a Coke. She pours me it and hands it over. I look out the window and sigh as I think about what waits ahead for me. I have to find Sean first thing when I get there. He seems rattled, he must know what's going on with Mark. Over the course of the flights I take a nap, get on another plane, read a magazine, get on another plane, and take another nap before the pilot announces, "Alright ladies and gents, thank you for flying with me over these past few hours. We've now reached your destination, Ireland." Home sweet home.

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