His Better Half

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I wait my turn and get off the plane before walking through the terminal. There's families hugging, people calling to let their families back home know they landed safe, and business people in a hurry trying to get where they got to go. I walk past them all and head out of the airport. It's raining, but not too bad. I look around and wave my arm as a taxi drives up.
I get in the back seat. "Where to, miss?" The driver asks me. I give him my parents address and he heads off. The rain rolls down the window as I lean my head back. "Are you alright if I turn on the radio?" "Yeah, go ahead. I get it, it's a long drive." I say. The taxi driver turns on the radio, but I don't listen. I stare out the window, wondering if my parents might know what's going on with Sean.
It's a long, quiet car ride before I reach my parents house. I thank and pay the driver before getting out and walking up to the house. I walk right in before yelling, "Mom, dad, I'm here!"
I here footsteps coming towards me and I'm met face to face with my parents. "(Y/N), what a surprise!" My mom yells, wrapping me in her arms. "Good to see you too mom." I say, a smile wide across my face. My dad then hugs me and asks, "What are you doing here?" "Well Mark's been acting a little strange and I needed some time to get away and talk to Sean and see what he knows. Have you guys heard from him at all?"
My parents looked back to one another and shook their heads. "Last I heard from him was about a week ago. He said he was going to visit you and Mark though." Dad said. I gave him a very puzzled look. "Sean never came." I take out my phone and try calling him. It rings, and rings, and rings, but no answer. "I'll go check on him. You mind if I borrow the truck?" I ask, already knowing I'll get a yes. "Sure thing sweetie, just be careful. It was just detailed." Mom says before I grab the keys off of the counter and go.
"Why would Sean lie and say he was coming to America?" I ask myself as I drive toward his house. A half hour goes by and I finally reach my brothers house. His car isn't in the drive way. I walk up to the front door and knock before waiting a bit. I knock again, but still no answer. I try opening the door and it isn't locked so I walk in. "Sean!? Where are you?" I ask looking around. The house is a mess, which isn't normal.
"Sean!?" I yell once more in hopes of a response. Nothing. The house is dead quiet. I check the bedroom, his filming room, and the garage but Sean is no where to be found. I walk into the kitchen and I see Sean's phone. There's so many notifications, but one sticks out the most. It's a voicemail from Mark. I open Sean's phone and listen to the voicemail. "Anti, it's working. I can feel my powers getting stronger, but I need more time. We need to get together to combine our forces. Meet me here in three days." It finally clicks in my head that Dark was the one who called. This message is from two days ago, but that still leaves one question. Who's Anti?
I walk out of the house, locking the door behind me. Sean's car is in the driveway, but it wasn't when I got here. Sean is just sitting there in the front seat, staring. I walk over and open the car door. "What the hell is going on?" I ask. Sean blinks slowly a few times before cackling. "You really don't understand yet do you?" He says. His voice sounding almost as if it was full of static. "We've come to take over, consider me part of Sean. His better half so to say. I'm Anti, and you dear are in big trouble." He says getting out of the car.
My eyes widen as I realize the same thing that happened to Mark, has happened to Sean. My wrist is grabbed and I'm thrown into the side of the car. "Now, you're going to comply or this is going to be a very painful trip." Anti says. I nod slowly as I look into his eyes. They're pitch black, not even remotely close to Sean's blue eyes. "You're gonna got in the car and we're gonna take a flight." I do as he says and get in the car. A few hours later I'm back at the airport, it's almost like I never left.
Anti makes me get the tickets as he stands in the back. His hood is up and his eyes are covered by sunglasses. We walk to the terminal and wait for a few hours. They had a flight we're a couple canceled their tickets so I got a flight that was heading out ASAP.
The plane ride is quiet; no babies crying, no stewardess asking if I needed a refill, and no captain over the intercom. It was like since Anti was with me the whole atmosphere around me changed. We got a cab to take us to Mark's house, and I knew Dark would be waiting there for me and Anti. We walked in and there Dark was, sitting in the recliner. "Well, well, we'll, if it isn't my favorite trouble maker."
"I knew I was your favorite." Anti says with a chuckle. "Not you! Now, what made you think you could get away without either of us finding you?" Dark says as he walks over to me, his face near to mine. I don't speak. "Answer me when I ask you a question." I feel a slap across my face, almost hard enough to knock me to the ground. "Answer. Me." "I didn't know Sean had this too."
"This? You act like we're a disease. Like I said earlier, I'm the better half." Anti says, pushing me to the ground. "Now here's how this is gonna go, we're gonna hurt you. A lot. And if Mark and Sean don't separate with us before we kill you that'll be on their conscience for the rest of their lives." Dark says, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. "What'll happen if they do separate with you?" I ask. "You'll just have to wait and see."
Dark pulls me into the bedroom upstairs and throws me onto the bed. "I won't hurt you too much yet, I'm gonna play around with you a little first." My eyes widen as I jump to the other side of the bed and grab the lamp from the night stand. "Don't you dare come anywhere near me." I say, throwing the lamp. "Relax, I'll take it slow. We won't get into all the good stuff right away." Dark says, walking around the bed and over to me. I back into the corner as his face comes close to mine. "God I've wanted to do this for so long." He says before grabbing my face and kissing me. It's so similar yet so different than Mark. I snap out of it and push away before pulling the drawer out of the night stand and hit him with it.
The notebook, pens, and other random things I had in there go flying as Dark is knocked to the ground. With that, Anti busts the door open. "Lettin' a lady beat you up are you?" Dark doesn't get up, he just groans and holds his head. A few seconds later and it's quiet. I look at Anti and back to Dark. "I can't believe it. Mark is actually gonna do it. We gotta get out of here 'cause this is really ugly to watch." Ant pulls me out of the room just as Dark starts to scream. "What's happening?" I ask. "Mark and Dark are separating."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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