Tangled Up In Blue or The Masquerade Gala

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Caelia had gone to Elijah's room and, with some help of her best friend, searched through his belongings. In a battered wooden trunk they had found an old violin, a Stradivari even, lots of yellowed photographs and lastly, his leather-bound journals.

Legs crossed, they sat on the floor flipping through the pages. Caelia hoped the paper wouldn't crumble at her touch. At one particularly interesting passage Caelia stopped and read.

August 1359
I have noticed a difference in my siblings. Our bond strains beneath the pressure of our life as vampires. Each day removes them further from the humanity we once possessed. My sweet sister, Rebekah, has grown quite indifferent to brutality.

Caelia agreed with that after what she had witnessed the night before. But she didn't blame Rebekah for it. After a thousand years, after having seen and lived through everything that she did, you're bound to become indifferent. Hell, even Caelia didn't care like she used to anymore.

However the true problem remains my brother, Niklaus.

Right again, she thought.

He continues to hide his loneliness with cruelty. Still, I cling to the hope that I, as their eldest brother, can lead them down the correct path, a path charged with the power of a family united. For if I fail, our family's legacy will end in darkness.

But their family's legacy had ended in darkness, with many trembling at the mere mention of the Originals names.
Unlike Elijah, Caelia wasn't as much of an optimist. She didn't believe Klaus could be saved, redeemed. He had yet to give her a reason to believe in that.

When she heard voices from below Caelia stopped reading and walked downstairs with the journal still in her hand, Hayley following her. They found the siblings talking in the foyer and eavesdropped.

"I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me," Rebekah pouted. "You know how I love to set things on fire."

Klaus, leaning against the doorframe, smirked and said, "Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot? Besides, they were my responsibility. They attacked the helpless pregnant girl who's carrying my child!"

Behind the wall, Hayley rolled her eyes. Helpless, my ass, the gesture conveyed.

Without knowing, Rebekah mirrored the expression. "Oh, I am so moved by your new-found sense of fatherly duties towards the werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in her oven."

The girls took Klaus' laugh as a sign to announce their presence and joined them in the foyer.

"The werewolf would like to know what the plan is," voiced Hayley.

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