The New Companioin- Chp 1

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     A/N: The chapter with Aizawa is in the second chapter if you want to skip ahead-


It was a cold winter day, snow piling up on the ground which seemed to only grow by the minute. I was currently at home, thankful it was my day off from working at the post office. If I had to drive in this weather, there's no doubt that I would be drifting and sliding on ice, or maybe even get stuck in the snow.

     I sat down at my wooden desk which was located in my living room downstairs, opening up my laptop and opening a google doc. The writing was my part-time job and my favorite job at that. Every now and then, I'd see a car pass by my window which made me lose my train of thought. I had to admit, it annoyed me sometimes but I just struggled it off and took a sip of my hot chocolate.

     After a few minutes of writing out my book, I look up to see that snow was about two feet deep. Had it really been snowing that heavily? As I went to take another sip of my hot cocoa, I realized that I had already drunk all of it. With a sigh, I stood up and walked to my kitchen and to my coffee pot. I reached up into a cabinet just above me, seeing something out of the corner of my eye through my kitchen window before I could grab the cocoa powder.

     Was it a bird? No, it seemed much bigger than that. What else could it be? It was too cold for anyone to want and go for a walk, and too dangerous to even drive if you didn't know what you were doing. Maybe it was a stray dog. My curiosity was getting the best of me and as they always said, curiosity killed the cat. I walked out of my kitchen and towards my front door, grabbing a long, thick felt coat. I then put on my winter boots and stood up straight, heading outside.

     Little bits of snow started to make its way into my boots and soaking my leggings which sent a cold shiver through my body. One thing for sure, I liked winter when it didn't mess with my lifestyle. I walked out to where my kitchen window where I saw the...thing pass by. I noticed some faint tracks in the snow, being lucky that I came out when I did or else the tracks would have disappeared in this snowstorm.

    I followed the tracks out to my neighbors knocked over a trash can, seeing a Great Dane rummaging through the scraps. It seemed to shove around a piece of tinfoil around before managing to unwrap it some, starting to dig into a leftover burger. I slowly walked over to it just in case it was hostile, slightly crouching down "Hey there big guy.." I said softly to get the dog's attention. It looked from its meal and tilted its head at me, making a smile appear on my lips.

     I held out my hand for the Great Dane to sniff, seeing it slowly but surely limp over to me. I started to question why it was limping but right now, I just needed to gain its trust before I can do anything else. Once it was close enough, it nuzzled my hand with its cold nose, feeling bad for the poor animal. It suddenly jumped back, growling at baring its teeth at me. Or at least I thought so.

     I soon realized that the dog wasn't looking at me, but behind me. My smile turned into a frown, glimpsing over my shoulder to see a figure standing behind me. I didn't get a good look at them due to the snowstorm, seeing something in their hand. I knew if I jumped forward, the dog might attack me so I decided to jump to the right to avoid getting attacked by either of them.

     They seemed to know my next move for when I jumped aside, they grabbed my arm immediately, pulling me back to my spot, but closer to the stranger. Thanks to fighting villains and running around the city dropping off packages, I had enough strength to sweep them off of their feet, despite the heavy snow that surrounded their feet. I landed on top of the stranger on purpose, pinning them in the snow "who are you and what do you want?" I asked in a stern and demanding tone. "Whoa, Calm down, (Y/N)!"

    I realized it was my neighbor himself and quickly scrambled off of him, standing up. "Sorry, Mr. Lee! I were a villain" I said as I rubbed the back of my head. The Great Dane was still standing its ground and growling, making me look back at him. "It's fine, I just came out here to make sure that nothing bad happened to you with that stray dog...I saw out of my window just a few seconds ago-" I cut him off, holding up my hand to stop him " It's alright, just next time, warn me when you're behind me."

     I turned back to the dog again, crouching down and holding out my hand. The Great Dane calmed down and nuzzles my hand once more. It soon pushed its head into my leg, almost making me fall back "I'm here, don't worry.." I whispered softly, petting the Great Danes head. "Well, imma head back inside to my wife. just be careful, alright?" Lee said walking back into his house. I nod and watched him walk away, looking back towards the dog. "Wanna come with me?" The Great Dane seemed to smile and Trot around me. I soft giggled and headed inside with the Great Dane, taking off my winter attire.
Authors note: thank you so much for reading this if you did! I'll be trying to make a new chapter every week or more. The next chapter will include Aizawa and a bit more action and with that, Just keep in mind that I have a life as well. With that, Have a nice day/night!

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