Dreaming - Chp 8

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~~~~~Aizawa's Prospective~~~~~

I could hear someone talking in another room, which made me more alert. "My oh My..You have the strongest will I've ever seen!" The voice would let out a rather amused laugh. I took my chance. I quietly jumped out from behind one of the counters and got up next to Y/N's bedside, undoing her straps. her face was still showing an unbelievable amount of pain but now with a hint of confusion. after, I picked her up bridal style and used my scarf to pull us up through the skylight. "NOOO!!" I heard from inside of the nursery. I didn't waste any time and jumped from building to building, needing to get her to the furthest hospital there was. If they were to look for us, they would look at the nearest hospital. I look down to see Y/N Slightly open her eyes, closing them shortly after. 'At least She's strong enough to open them..' I thought, soon making it to the hospital at the edge of the city.

~~~~~Your Prospective~~~~~

I felt cold wind beating against my skin, my mind racing with questions as my eyes stayed closed. I used the rest of the strength I had to open my eyes, seeing a blurry, dark figure carrying me. I didn't have the time to figured it who he was, sconce I passed out almost right after I got a glimpse. After that...Nothing. It was just me and me alone, in nothing but a pitch black void. I still had all of my wounds, but I didn't understand what was happening anymore. I was in to much pain to move, so I just bled, floating around with no one to help me, no one to come in contact with.

After what seemed like hours and hours of dead silence in a pool of nothingness, I hear voices echoing around me like when I was in the chamber 'Get her to the emergency room now! She's the first to be rescued!' I look around with only my eyes, but saw no one. "Rescued..?" I asked myself weakly, trying to process what was happening. It was silent for awhile, then the voices came back. 'Get her an Oxygen mask and a IV!' Another male voice chiming in 'Will she be alright?' The voice sounded rather..familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. Who were these people and where am I?

~~~~~Aizawa's Prospective~~~~~

I made it to the hospital with haste, bursting through the doors while holding (Y/N) close to me in my arms. "I need a doctor!" Was all I said before (Y/N) was taken from me, bribing put into a transportable hospital bed and rushed to an emergency room. Of course, I followed close behind them. Once my put (Y/N) into a room, they would stop me from walking in with them. "Someone get an Oxygen mask and a IV!" One of the doctors yelled before pulling me aside to ask some questions. "Is she going to be alright?" I asked rather quickly, my fists clenched together without realizing it. "We don't know, but you need to tell us everything that had happened so we can do our best to help her." I'd nod, understanding what they met. "First, what happened to her?" Before answering, I would clear my throat, still trying to catch my breath from running all the way to the hospital.

"She was taken like the rest of the missing people..she's the only that's been found so far. I found her in a bed unconscious, but seeming to be in a world of pain. I think it had to do with someone's quirk." The doctor would nod, taking a few mental notes in his head. "Do you know her name? And what's your relationship with her?" I nod once more, crossing my arms "(Y/N) (L/N) and..she's just friend of mine." The doctor would nod "Alright, that's all the questions I have for now. I'll try to contact you if she wakes up or if we have any more information on her current situation." I bowed my head as a thank, making my way out of the hospital. As much as I wanted to stay, I needed to find the other missing people since I'm the only one who's found one. Let alone, I need to stay on the move just incase I'm being watched. Better safe than sorry.

{2 weeks Later}

~~~~~Third person~~~~~
Nurses and doctors rushed to (Y/N)'s room, some giving out orders while others tried their best to obey. (Y/N) was thrashing around in panic, her first time waking up ever since her rescue. Seeing people surround her made her panic, mainly because she had no idea what was really happening. In her head, she was still with her captives. "We might have to put her to sleep!" One of the nurses yelled, struggling to hold (Y/N) down. Everything was happening so fast that barely anyone in the room could comprehend what was happening anymore. "Someone grab the mask!" Another doctor yelled, trying to strap on of her arms down to the bed. Another doctor with Hazel eyes would grab the mask, running back over to try and get on her. (Y/N) was fairly strong, so everyone was having a hard time restraining her to the bed. When the doctor tried to put the mask over her mouth, she bit his hand hard enough to where it would bleed.

"Fuck!" The doctor would yell, dropping the mask as he now held his bleeding hand. (Y/N) would do anything to resist, still hearing the voice of her captive in her head. Suddenly, she started to feel dizzy and would grow weaker, looking over to find a nurse putting some type of drug into the bag that her IV was connected too. Before she new it, her body went limp and her eyes would shut, the doctors and nurses sighing in relief and fully strapped her down. A doctor would speak up, panting slightly "Someone call Aizawa Shouta..."

A/N: Question- should I make a L x Reader? (Death note in case I wasn't clear) I'm just wondering because I'm sure a lot of people have seen the Anime and all. But anyways, I hope you enjoy the story so far. Have a nice day/night!

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