Broken Bones - Chp 5

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~~~~~Your Prostpective~~~~~

I painfully open my eyes, having a hard time remembering what happened before all the pain. I glance around to see other bloody chairs around me, forming a circle that I was apart of. I felt so...Tired and numb, not wanting to move at all. 'What the hell happened to me?' I questioned, still looking at the chairs around me. It was dark but not dark enough to hide the figures in the chairs. Although I couldn't tell if they were real or just the darkness playing tricks on me.

I let my head slouch down to where I was now looking at the ground, feeling so exhausted. 'What the hell happened to me? Where am I? Why am I here?' I felt my body begging me to close my eyes but I refused for I didn't want anything to go unnoticed while I was asleep. I suddenly felt dread consume my thoughts, making me wince. I focused more on the sounds around me, hearing a soft dripping sound, like when the water to a sink wasn't turned off fully.

A light flicked on above me which made me jump, grunting from the pain I was in. "Well, Well, Well~ Look whos finally awake." the voice seemed to echo around me as my eyes slowly but surely adjusted to the darkness. I looked around once more to realize that the people around me weren't what I expected. They were me, a reflection from mirrors that were placed around me. I was in the middle of the circle of mirrors. I looked at myself in the mirrors, not like that I had much of a choice and saw that I was bleeding, a puddle of blood surrounding the chair I was chained to.

"Where am I?" I asked aloud, my voice raspy and weak. A cold and menacing chuckle echoed around me, making it hard for me to pinpoint where it was coming from. "That's not important, what is important is that you suffer just like everyone else in this facility." I let out a low growl and started to struggle against my restraints. "You bastard!" My voice bounded off of the walls much like the voice that was speaking to me.

Suddenly, I started to feel the chains tighten around my arms the pain becoming unbearable. Snap! One of my arms broke under the pressure of the chains, making me cry out in pain. I had a high pain tolerance but this...this was on a whole new level. I screamed once my other arm broke, part of my bone now sticking out. I soon felt myself slipping away from the blood loss, the voice laughing out as I could tell he loved to see me in pain. His was echoing through my mind, wanting me to just strangle whoever was doing. "Don't get your hopes up, I'll make sure that you'll stay awake for the show~"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Aizawa's Prospective~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I headed out after feeding my two cats, putting on a black trench coat. I was following the evidence I've collected, keeping mental notes in my head. The snowstorms always happened in the morning, the time when not many are up and moving. So I made the connection that the snowstorms were involved with the missing person cases. everyone that was reported missing was in the afternoon, well most of them at least.

It was calm and quiet as I walked along the sidewalk. I started to wonder if any other hero's were trying to find these people, yet again, the hero's that were looking probably was taken just like (Y/N). 'But was she looking for the missing people?' I had no idea if she was or not since I hadn't seen her ever since I took her to the hospital. She seemed like a nice person, I'm not going to lie to myself. After all, she risked her own life to save someone she never met before.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw something sticking out of the snow just across the street. I looked to make sure there were no cars before crossing, pulling the item out of the cold snow. it was a blood-stained coat. I frowned at the sight of the blood, going through the pockets to find a pair of keys and wallets. I set the coat over my shoulder and opened the wallet, looking for an ID to identify who the coat belonged to. After pulling out one or two credit cards, I pulled out and ID, reading '(Y/N) (L/N)'.

'So this is where (Y/N) was taken...' I put the wallet into my pocket while keeping the ID in my hand. I started to look for any more evidence of what might happen to her. If anything, I was getting the idea that she might be dead, considering her coat was stained with blood..but was it her blood? I shook my head and dug through the snow around the area where I found the coat, my hands becoming cold and numb.

I slightly twitched went I pricked my finger on something sharp, making me bleed. Since the snow was light and wanst thick enough to stick, I just blew it away like dust on an old shelf. My eyes widened when I saw rock like spikes covered in blood. This had to be someone's quirk. I stood up and took my phone, taking pictures to keep as evidence. I soon realized that I was near the edge of the city, which means that the attackers planned this out to stay hidden.

I would go out to the police to help me out but I didn't want them to go missing as well. Besides, this city needs them more than it thinks it does. I headed back home, having lots of free time because there's been none stop snow days for schools all over Japan. Once I made it to my house, I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me. I walked to my room wasn't very crowded, considering It only contained a bed, a desk, and a laptop.

I moved my laptop to the side and set the coat, wallet, and down. out of nowhere, there was a knock on my door and I just rolled my eyes and got up from out of my room and headed towards my front door. I noticed one of my cat's fur standing up straight, hissing and trying to get away from the door as fast as it could. this raised my concern and turned back to the door, hearing a more aggressive knock. 'Don't open the door Aizawa..'

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