Mirrors - Chp 6

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The pain was rushing through my body as the chains stopped from tightening around my arms. I felt myself trembling as I weakly looked up, only seeing myself in the mirrors. Who was this sicko? Is he the who's been behind the missing person cases? I let out a shaky sigh and look back towards the ground. 'I'll stay strong for everyone who is missing someone they care about..' I start to contemplate on how to escape but was pulled out of my thoughts why I heard a scream from what sounded to be another room.

"Why are you doing this!?" I growled, looking around even though I could only see my reflection in the mirrors around me. I guess I expected to see someone else other than me, bleeding and bruised. A voice echoed around me like the one from earlier, making me jump slightly. "Well aren't a feisty girl~" the voice let out a bone-chilling chuckle. "Let's just say someone's pain is my pleasure. A hero's pain is more pleasurable than anything else in this world to me."

I growled out of pure rage, tugging on the chains and grunting in pain. I held back tears and a scream, soon a smirk coming across my face. "Well good luck breaking me, bastard! I'm not going scream, cry, or call for help for your sick pleasure!" The voice laughed, seeming to be amused by what I said. "Oh, goodie! someone whos willing to give me a good show!" The voice laughed once more, sounding more crazed and bloodthirsty. "I have to admit, ruining that pretty face of yours is...quite a pitty."

My eyes widened when I felt chains tighten around my chest, my heart rate rising. I bit down on my tongue, not allowing myself to scream and closed my eyes tightly to prevent me from crying. SNAP! I let out a faint, pain-filled whimper as I felt one of my ribs break under the pressure, blood now rolling down my torso. "FUCK YOU!" I yelled, finding it difficult to ignore the pain. The voice chuckled and spoke up once more. "Only in your dreams dearie~" SNAP! another rib broke, causing me to bite down on my tongue harder.

>>>>>Aizawa's Prospective<<<<<

I haven't slept ever since I found Y/N's coat and a stranger was knocking on my door. I had to be honest with myself, It gave me the chills. Its been a day since the incident and I called the police for a bit of help because when I opened the door, There was a message written in blood saying 'You'll be joining them soon.' The police tested the blood that was on my door, saying it belonged to the pro hero Stunner.

Now, I'm here, more determined to find whoever this person was..or people. I walked through the streets with my hands in my pockets as usual. It was early in the morning and I had nothing better to do so I went to go find more clues if any more clues that is. The snow had died down a bit and it wasn't as cold as it usually was. I snuggled into my capture weapons, which did act a lot like a scarf so it did help keep me warm.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I stopped in my tracks once I heard the scream, now on high alert. I slipped on my yellow goggles and sprinted to where the scream came from. I ended up in an alleyway looking at a woman on the ground, seeming to be bleeding heavily. I rushed up next to her and sat her up properly, looking at her wounds. I soon realized that she was dead and I growled, punching the wall. I then grab my phone to call 911 when suddenly I felt a strong breeze rush through the air.

Dark grey clouds started to cover the city, bringing my attention up towards the sky. It began to snow heavily and felt another presence, making me listen in close to my surroundings. "show yourself!" I called, looking around almost frantically. I heard a faint chuckle but I couldn't pinpoint where it came from. the snowstorm only became worse, making it hard to see through the snowflakes. I then see something rush towards me out of the corner of my eye, Jumping to the side just in time. unfortunately, the figure managed to my right arm, but it wasn't anything bad enough to worry about.

"You should of took our warming more seriously Eraser Head.." the figure said in a cold tone, making me frown. "What the hell do you want from me?" I asked in a stern tone. The man just chuckled and shook his head, backing up to hide himself in the snowstorm. 'Fuck..' "you put yourself into this position just by looking for all those missing people..now, you can join them." Like before, it was hard to tell where the man was, so I was back to looking around frantically.

I suddenly looked to my left to see a whole car fly towards me. I managed to get out of the way in time by using my capture weapon to hoist myself up onto a street light. 'Where are you...?' I looked around, feeling slightly better now that I was on higher ground. " You can't run or hide Eraser Head! We've killed heroes before and we won't hesitate to do it again!" The voice called, some of it muffled from the howling wind of the storm itself. Another car was thrown towards me, hitting me off of the street light and one the ground. I stopped moving once I hit the ground, pain covering every inch of my body. The figure from before walked up to me with a smirk on his face, pulling out restrains.

Before he could even lay a finger on me, I jumped up and trapped him in my capture weapon, head butting him once and throw him to the ground "TELL ME WHERE Y/N IS!!!" I growled, obviously pissed off. The man let out Surprised gasp and winced in pain. "Like hell I'll tell you!" I then grabbed one of his arms, breaking it effortlessly "Your going to tell me where the missing people are, or else your going to be in a world of pain." The man cried out in pain, trying to get free "a-alright! I'll talk!"

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