The Robbery - Chp 2

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Its been a few days since I found Dutch, the great dane I took under my wing. The snow was now back to one foot deep, which wasn't as bad as before. Of course, not a lot of people went outside unless they had work or some type of emergency. not even a lot of villains wanted to go outside because of how cold it was. There wasn't much to do other than watch TV, writing for my upcoming book, and playing around with Dutch. It was nice to have some time off, it gave most of the hero's a break from all of the hard work.

Dutch was currently playing with a new ball I had bought him the day after I took him. I still had to take him to the vet though but the snow had been stopping most people from going anywhere. As I finished the second to last chapter to my book, I sigh heavily and look towards my kitchen. I soon remembered I needed to go shopping for more food, and even some dog food. all I've been feeding Dutch is cooked, none seasoned pieces of meat. 'Might as well get it over with..besides, I'm sure that the store isn't that busy with the weather being like this.'

I get up from my desk and got into my winter attire, stuffing my keys and wallet into my pockets. before a left, I took a bone from the steak I had just the other night and gave it to Dutch, giving the head a gentle pat on the head. I locked the door behind me as I took a breath, seeing it due to the frosty air. The sidewalks were somewhat clear with only a thin layer of snow, making it easier for me to get where I wanted to go. As I walked to the store, I saw a few kids building snow forts, only guessing that they were getting ready for a snowball fight.

The store was only a few blocks away from my house so I wouldn't have to stay out in the cold for too long. soon enough, I was walking through the parking lot which only three or four cars, making my way up towards the automatic doors. When I walked into the store, I felt a wave of warm air slush over my body, making me smile at the satisfying feeling. I grabbed a cart and started to wander around, going for the dog food first. Dutch meant a lot to me ever since I took him in. besides, he was the only living thing that was keeping me company for most of the week.

I shuffled my way into the pet side of the store, looking at all of the different foods. while I was distracted trying to decide what would be best for Dutch, leaving the cart near I was standing, I felt myself run into something. At first, I thought I ran into another cart but I realized it was softer..and tall. I glanced up at a man who had his left side facing me, grabbing some cat food off of the shelf while glaring at me. I suddenly felt my cheeks flush red from embarrassment and took two steps backs.

"I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to run into you." I say softly as I held my hands to my chest, slightly looking away to try and hide my blush. The Man scoffed and looked away, grabbing one more can of cat food. "It's fine...Just watch where you are going next time." I looked back up at the man so realize he was wearing a scarf and what seemed to be loose, black jumpsuit with books. I had no idea who this man was but he did seem familiar. The man suddenly spoke up, slightly looking over at me as he combed his hair back with his hand. "I'm surprised that you're not even fazed by who I am."

This made a confused expression appear on my face, slightly tilting my head at him. "What do you mean?" I asked, obviously I was curious about what he meant. He let out a faint chuckle, shaking his head softly "Never Mind..Have a nice day." I had to admit, he was pretty handsome but I wasn't exactly looking for a lover. maybe someday, but not today. I grabbed two bags of dog food, a water bowl, and a food bowl. After, I went and bought myself some food, even buying myself a small think of cheesecake.

Everything was calm and quiet until the check out was in my field of view, seeing a man and woman. I first I didn't think much of it until I saw the man holding a gun, the Woman silently crying as she was collecting the cash out of the register. In that instant, I snuck past some of the shelves to keep hidden. Once the man's back was facing towards me, I left my cart and took off my boots to prevent myself from making any noise. yeah, it was a bit silly but someone's life was in danger. 

The man was paranoid so every once every few seconds, he would look around, making me duck behind a shelf for behind some random check out. 'Think (Y/N), he could see you any moment now that your closer. and with how paranoid he is, its most likely he is on high alert. if anything, he would hear you before you could even get close enough to lay a hit on him.' you thought hard as the man urged the woman "Hurry up! I don't have all fucking day!" he whispered yelled, pushing the barrel of the gun to the woman's head. she let out a faint yelp of panic and nodded, shaking as even more tears ran down her face.

'Come on (Y/N), think of something! your a hero of God's sake!" I then came up with the best plan that you kink of in this desperate situation. I crept behind past the man, thankful he didn't see me. by then, the man had pulled the gun away from the woman's head but still kept it aimed at her. once he let his paranoia take over and looked around, I jumped up in between the woman and the man, wrapping the woman up in my arms and pulling her behind cover. this made the woman cry out in surprise, startling the man which made him fire the pistol in his hands.


Authors Note: I hope all you are enjoying the story so far! I'm motivated to write this so I just might be giving a lot more chapters in just this one week than I thought I would. Anyways, Thank you for reading and encouraging me to keep writing!

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