2|| Detroit

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Loud rhythmic chimes stirred Sophia out of her comfortable sleep. Her brow pulled down into frown and she groaned. Her pale hand shot out from under her pillow and landed hard on the wooden nightstand.

She felt around until the cool glass of her cellphone met her finger tips. With a huff she swiped her finger across the glass and the alarm came to a sudden stop.

Sophie's green eyes fluttered open and a low groan left her lips. Her muscles were stiff from the lack of use and her brain was hazy. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and slowly pushed herself into a sitting position.

The chill of early November seeped through the closed windows and chilled her bare skin. A shiver ran down her spine and goosebumps rose all across her body.

She sat still for a long moment, her tired eyes half closed as the idea of sleep crawled back into her mind. She had grown used to sleeping till noon. Waking up at seven was still a new thing for her.

Slowly Sophie tossed her feet over the edge of the bed and forced herself to stand. She shivered, silently cursing herself for not at least putting on a shirt before going to bed.

She grabbed a large pull over hoodie on her way to the stairs. Pulling it on as she descended to her open kitchen and living room.

She moved through her routine like she did every morning. Turn on the coffee maker, eat something small, and flip through tv. She sat at her kitchen table, her eyes locked on the flat screen tv that had been gifted to her after she moved in.

She mindlessly clicked through the channels, watching snippets of shows well she waited for her coffee to finish brewing. She landed on the local news channel and paused.

A pretty blonde woman sat behind a desk with an older bald man. The news reporters weren't what caught her attention, it was the picture displayed behind them. It was a blurry photo of her caught by a street camera. It wasn't her exactly, it was her vigilante self, dressed in the same black suit that laid on her bathroom floor.

"It appears Detroit's very own vigilante is still at large. She was spotted fleeing a back alley two blocks away from a Liquor Mart that had just been robbed. She successfully apprehended the robbers, putting one in the hospital." The blonde woman said, an unamused expression on her face.

"It seems she isn't the only vigilante taking up residence in Detroit." The man said, glancing over at his co-star before turning back to the camera. "Last night Batman's famed sidekick, Robin, was also spotted-"

Sophia's head snapped upwards. A blurry black and white photo was displayed on screen. It was a photo of a back alley and standing near the edge of the image was Robin. She narrowed her eyes in a weak attempt to see the image better. And then it hit her like a brick wall.

That wasn't Jason; this Robin was taller and his hair was lighter. It was Dick.

Sophia's eyes widened and her heart began to twist inside of her chest. A heavy weight pressed down on her shoulders well another lifted away.

She hadn't seen Dick in a little over a year. He had just upped and vanished one night, leaving her nothing but a note that told her he wasn't coming back.

Her eyes began to water, her emotions running wild inside of her head. All of her repressed anger and joy hit her at once.

Her hands shook as she grabbed her phone from her hoodie's pocket. She opened the contact list, scrolling to a number she hadn't used in a year.

She pressed down and held the phone to her ear. The line rang and panic ensued. She didn't know what she was going to say if he answered. A part of her knew he wasn't going to, he never did.

There was a small click before she was sent over to voicemail, just like she had expected. And just like that anger flared up in her chest. "Hay, Dick, so you're in Detroit huh? Maybe we should grab a beer, catch up, asshole."

She gritted her teeth as she ended the message and tossed her phone onto her table. Every bone in her body was shaking with anger and the urge to cry clawed at her throat. She ran a hand through her blonde hair before she stood up and walked away.

Every part of her hated Dick for leaving. He was her best friend, she practically grew up beside him; and all she got was a fucking letter that told her he loved her and that he wasn't coming back. He didn't even have the decency to tell her why, she had to bombard Bruce until he told her about the fight.

At first she wasn't angry. In her mind he needed time to cool down, but after a month of him ignoring her calls she realized he had actually left her.

Sophia huffed as she started her shower, stripping out of her clothes and stepping under the spray of hot water. She tried to change her thought process so she could focus on work, but her mind kept drifting back to him.

She would have put her fist through the wall if it weren't for the fact that she was more reasonable than that. After all, that's why she had a punching bag hanging up in her living room.

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