22|| Coffee

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The rhythmic thud of Sophie's cold knuckles hitting the thick wood of Rachel's door echoed down the quiet hallway. She stood just in front of it, a tray of coffees in one hand and a bag of doughnuts in the other. 

The deadbolt on the other side of the door jingled before the lock clicked, and the door was pulled open. Rachel's expression softened into a warm grin at the sight of Sophie. Her violet hair was damp from a shower and she was dressed in clean cloths.

"Morning." She greeted.

Sophie smiled kindly and held up the tray off coffee. "I brought breakfast." 

"Thank god." Rachel grinned and stepped aside to let Sophie in. "I'm starving."

Rachel's room was tidy, asides from the messy sheets and the damp towel that was left on the back of a chair. The curtains were drawn closed over the large window but sunlight still peaked out from beneath them.

"How'd you sleep?" Sophie placed the takeout down on the wooden table near the door. 

"Fine." Rachel shrugged and walked over to the table. She sat down across from Sophie and pulled the white takeout bag towards her. She began to look through the assorted doughnuts until she saw one she liked. 

A smile tugged at Sophie's lips as she grabbed her coffee and took a sip. The hot, bitter taste was a shock to her tongue and she quickly gulped down the liquid. "That's hot." She said and sucked in a breath of cool air.

Rachel looked at her and covered her mouth with her hand. Her shoulders shook with laughter and small squeaks left her tightly closed mouth. 

"Yeah yeah." Sophie playfully narrowed her eyes as she took the plastic lid off of her coffee. Steam rose from the dark liquid inside and the smell of fresh coffee hit her nose. 

A comfortable silence settled in the room as Rachel gulped down her mouthful of doughnut. The tension in Sophie's body began to ease ever so slightly as her busy mind went quiet. She had spent most of last night talking with Barbara, trying to figure out who this Dr. Adamson was. 

The lack of sleep over the past few nights was finally catching up to her. Her mind was hazy with worried thoughts and her muscles were tight and sore. Right now, coffee was the only thing keeping her awake.

"Hay, Soph." Rachel started. Her voice was curious but quieter then normal, almost nervous. 

"Yeah?" She glanced up at the other girl. 

Rachel stared down at the white takeout cup between her pale hands. She tapped her shot nails against the side and pursed her lips. "Why'd you leave without saying goodbye?"

Sophie's smile fell and suddenly all of that exhaustion hit her like a ton of bricks. She sighed tiredly and looked back down at her drink. "I had to go back to Gotham. It's all so complicated and I didn't want to have to explain it to Dick, or anyone, so I just left. It was kind of shitty, I know."

Rachel nodded and forced a small smile. "I'm just glad you came back." 

"I promised i'd take care of you, and I kinda like having you around." Sophie smiled sweetly but guilt still managed to tug at her heart. 

Rachel's expression lightened and her eyes drifting off to the right. "Besides," She looked back at Sophie with a coy smirk. "If you hadn't left, you and Dick would still be fighting."

Sophie couldn't help the sarcastic laugh that bubbled up in her chest. She shook her head before taking a long sip of her coffee. "Alright I get it, but me and Dick are always going to be complicated. That's never going to change."

Rachel's brow furrowed as she pulled her coffee towards her. "Then what did?"

Sophie scoffed and took a sip of her coffee. "A friend back in Gotham basically told me to get my head out of my ass and forgive him for everyone's sake."

Rachel chuckled and took a sip of her coffee. "That's some good advice." She muttered against the rim of the cup.

"Seems so." Sophie chuckled as she put the lid back on her coffee and stood up. "I'm gonna give Kori a break, why don't you wake up Gar." 

Rachel nodded and shoved the last of her doughnut in to her mouth. "Sure." She brushed the crumbs off of her hands as she chewed. 

Sophie shook her head as she grabbed Kori's coffee from the tray and left the room. 

She heard the heavy wooden door fall closed behind her as she walked down the dimly lit hallway. Glass and drywall littered the carpeted floor from the fight that had taken place not even twelve hours ago. 

She felt bad for leaving the place like this but she was sure Dick would anonymously send a check to the woman that owned the place. 

Sophie came to a stop outside of Dick's room and knocked on the wooden door. She heard the muffled clicks of heels on the carpeted floor before the door opened. Kori sighed the moment she saw Sophie and stepped out of the room. 

Boredom painted Kori's face as she leaned against the wall behind her. She had spent the entire night watching over the family, she was even still wearing that awful shinny dress. 

"Please tell me one of those is for me." Kori said, eyeing the two cups of coffee. Sophie smiled and handed the larger of the two takeout cups to her.

"Have they said anything?" She asked and took a sip of her coffee.

"Not a thing." Kori scoffed before taking a long sip of hers. "Has Dick called?"

She shook her head and absentmindedly began to pick at her coffee cup. "No, he's probably still driving." 

"Maybe." Kori hummed into her cup before taking another long sip. She eyed Sophie over the rim before speaking again. "How are you doing?"

Sophie's eyes flickered up from her cup and her brows drew together. "I'm fine. Why?" 

Kori tilted her head to the side and scoffed. "You look exhausted." She said bluntly.

Sophie bit back a sarcastic laugh and rolled her eyes. "I'm fine, it's just been a crazy few days." 

"Tell me about it." Kori chuckled against the rim of her cup.

Sophie's green eyes drifted over Kori's shoulder to the dull wooden door. Questions stirred in her head but she knew the family wasn't likely to answer. "I'll watch them for a bit," Sophie nodded her head towards the door, "go take a break, maybe a shower." 

Kori eyed her for a few seconds before nodding. "Try not to get blood on the carpet." She said sarcastically before walking off.

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