Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Song for this chapter: Chasing Atlantic - Friends

The water from the shower head spilled down on me while I was directly under the stream on the floor. The water mixed with my tears, hiding the ugly sobs that came from my lips.

Fuck you, Nate Jacobs.

I wish I had never fucking met you.

I allowed myself to pathetically whimper and cry until the tears would no longer fall from my eyes and my throat was raw from choking on my own tears and cries of anguish. I continued to sit under the hot water allowing it to wash away all the pain that was still coursing through my veins. I was being dramatic. I knew I was overreacting. But it hurt so goddamn bad.

I was weak now. A simple boy was able to pull the strings to my heart and he had already snapped one of them that was bound to leave a god awful bruise. He was going to be back soon. I'm sure he went to go fuck with Jules but I couldn't bring myself to protest. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel tightly around my body.

I pulled a pair of black sweatpants off the floor and one of Nate's many sweaters that were draped on the back of the chair in my room. I dropped the towel to the floor and pulled the baggy clothing on to my body quickly. After switching off the light in my room and curling to bed, I laid silently starring at the wall. I wish he would hurry up. I couldn't stand being alone.

My eyes closed and the smell of Nate consumed me. I balled up the front of the sweater in my hands and brought it up to my nose. I inhaled taking in the smell of Nate's calming cologne. I wondered what Jules face looked like. I wonder if she felt this same betrayal. I couldn't even imagine the spiteful venomous worlds that he would say to her.

An hour had passed of me laying in my bed curled up in my comforter, carried away so carelessly in my thoughts. I could hear the sound of the front door creak open and click shut. Moments later the bedroom door opened. I could hear him rustling around before the bed dipped down and his arm wrapped around my waist.

"You awake?" Nate questioned softly.


"How was your shower?"

"It was okay," I answered back, "At least I don't smell like Chili anymore."

"I wasn't too cruel with her," Nate spoke up, "I didn't follow through with my original plan."

"Oh?" I turned over to face him.

"Yeah. I just warned her that telling anyone about her and my dad would be a mistake. And besides, you were right she would be a lot more useful if we could use her for blackmail or something." Nate reached forward and placed his hand under my chin. "We have school in the morning though so you should get some sleep."

I stared at him silently, chewing on my bottom lip. Why the hell was this affecting me so much? It was a stupid kiss. It didn't mean anything. If it meant something he would be with her and not me. Maybe that is where he was. Here came the waves of paranoia. Fuck.

"You're thinking about it," Nate sighed. "I wish I could take it all away."

"I know," I whispered, "But we will be okay."

"I hope so," Nate breathed, "I know it doesn't mean anything right now but I am really sorry."

"It is fine," I lied.

Nate moved his hand up slowly from under my chin and cupped my cheek in his hand. I reached forward and placed my hand over his. Nate closed his eyes and started to move his thumb back and forth on my cheek. He knew I wasn't okay. My body melted into his touch and the gentle movements of my thumb slowed my breath and cleared my mind. Before I knew it I was waking up to the light peeking through my curtains and my alarm blaring on my nightstand.

Bloodstream | Nate JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now