Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Song for this Chapter: Graveyard - Halsey

I laid on the bed sideways with my cheek pressed against the black comforter. I stared up at my blank wall. Most girls my age have posters or photos. But I knew I never stayed in one place long enough to decorate any piece of my life. I was fine with only having my bed, two nightstands, and a single chair, and my TV that was sitting on a stand. Not to mention the layer of clothes that filled the empty spaces on the floor.

I dragged myself off the bed and grabbed the laundry basket that was in my closet. It took nearly 20 minutes but I had collected all the dirty clothes from around my room. I straightened out the pillows and blankets on my bed and placed two of Nate's sweaters on my pillow. I couldn't bear the thought of washing them and losing his scent.

I dragged the laundry basket down the hallway into the laundry room. And began the tedious cycle of washing mine and Nate's clothes.

"He's practically moved," I moaned, filling the washer up with practically everything of his.

I don't even remember him bringing this many clothes over.

"Lily," Aaron called out.

I jumped slightly, as I forgot that he was still loitering around.

"What?" I griped.

"Mom made me get you food," Aaron huffed from what sounded like the kitchen.

I walked out of the laundry room and was overwhelmed by the smell of one of my favorite foods. I followed the scent and seen the perfectly wrapped foot long sub sitting on the kitchen island. Aaron was sitting at the table and was already eating, his permanent scowl on his face.

"I don't know how you got mom to agree to allow a boy to be here so often," Aaron spoke with a mouthful of food, "But I shouldn't be surprised when you are a master manipulator."

"Is this mine?" I pointed at the sub, completely ignoring his ignorant comment.

"Yea. Mom called the store and had it be premade."

"Oh," I said in a surprised tone.

You know come to think of it. After that nasty fight, we had a couple of weeks ago. We haven't overly been fighting. And when she came home from work to Nate cooking supper in the kitchen she even told him that he could stay that night. Cal was the only person who didn't approve of Nate staying over so much. But even then he agreed that if Nate goes to school every day and puts his all into practice that whatever he does in his spare time with me is none of his concern.

I think If I'm honest, Cal Jacobs was starting to warm up to me.

"Did you hear me?" Aaron asked in an annoyed tone.

"No," I answered back. "But, the business between me and mom is our own. And we don't need you coming here and stirring the pot."

"She told me that since you met that guy you've been less psycho," Aaron grumbled. Grabbing his fountain drink and taking a sip.

"You guys act as I've always just been some out of control psychopath. I used to care about you a lot Aaron," I confided.

It was the truth. Aaron was the older brother that I looked up too. The older brother that protected me when I needed him but it didn't take long for our father to corrupt him.

"If you cared about me. You wouldn't have been a whore sleeping with my best friend and then locking him up for false rape. You did that just because you wanted to hurt me," Aaron spat out while rising up from the table.

"I only told the truth," I murmured. "I like him a lot. Aaron. I really liked him and he hurt. And the fact that you as my brother took his side. You did that to hurt me."

"Go to your room," Aaron muttered under his breath.

"I fucking hate you," I shouted. "I hate you so fucking much Aaron. I hope you and dad just both drop dead."

"You ungrateful bitch," Aaron buzzed.

I grabbed my sub off the counter and walked back to my room. After slamming the door behind me. I sat down on my bed and picked up my phone.

'I know it's not ideal but Aaron will be there for a few nights. Could you maybe go to Nate's?' -Mom.

I smiled down at my phone. Feeling that same warm feeling in my heart. It was all in small steps but was this really what a relationship with my mom could be like?

'Thank you for the sub, I really appreciate it. I'm doing laundry. Would you like the basket of your stuff washed?'- Lily

'I would appreciate that, I'll be home on Tuesday.' - Mom

The more that I think about it. The more I realize my mom was never a villain in my story. She just always stood in the background and watched as my father hurt me or called me names. I blamed her because I had no one else to blame for my father's toxic behavior. Was Nate really gentling my soul? Or was I just so distracted by taking out all of my anger on him? Was the only reason that my relationship was flourishing with my mom was being I was so exhausted from dealing with Nate that I was losing the fight inside of me.

My phone beeped again. Maybe it was Nate to say that he was on his way to get me. I mean school was already over now.

'Honey. I have some bad news. Nate has been escorted to the police station,' - Marsha

My heart skipped a beat. No. Maddy wouldn't have gone and told anyone especially not that fast. I was so focused on the fact that Nate had been sexual with her and I had completely forgotten about the fact that there is visual evidence on her skin. The idiot probably went to school.

'What happened?'- Lily

'Cal believes that he will be released around supper time. I think it would be best if you were here for when he gets home,'- Marsha

Of course, I will be there If I am welcomed.

I needed to know what happened.

I needed to make sure that Nate was okay.

But most importantly I needed to know what that bitch did. 


A/n- 3 chapter updates in the span of two days? I really am on a roll. 

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