A/N 2

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Hi, everyone. 

If you're all here, reading this, then I'm going to assume that you all actually kinda like my story, even though nobody has given me ANY constructive criticism of ANY KIND!

Sorry, sorry... I'm sensitive, about these kinds of things. I do my own thing and hope that people like it, but I go stir-crazy if I can't get any Ideas about what I'm doing right or wrong, or what I could do better with. This is my first story, TBH, and I've got several Ideas just collecting dust in my drafts bin, so, again: CRITICISM IS APPRECIATED.

Note: I am writing this BEFORE checking all of my other chapters, so if you actually DID leave a comment involving something I messed up with, or actually did right, then I'm sorry, you can skip my little rant if you want to.

Again, I HAVE NO IDEA WHEN THE NEXT TWO CHAPTERS OF THIS STORY ARE COMING OUT. I've got another eight drafts on my bench, six of which are pretty freakin' empty, save for a few title Ideas.

If you actually like my stuff, then thank you for reading. If not, then... whatever, IDK. I should have my next chapter of 'Superior the Fourth' out soon along with the first chapter in my FFXV OC x RWBY story: 'Lack of a Vaccine', so um... stay tuned. 



Demon in the Frame (Male symbiote researcher reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now