Chapter 5: Privacy

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Neo P.O.V.

I wake up again, this time with an actual desire to get up. Liar's tendrils are still wrapped firmly around us, not wanting to let me go. I get an idea, and begin to start repeatedly poking Y/N's nose. He begins to stir, and opens his eyes. He opens his mouth to ask me a question, but I quickly silence him by kissing him passionately.


Y/N P.O.V.

Well, this wasn't what I was expecting when i just woke up. 

I can feel the blush spreading on my face. Her tongue is exploring every corner of my mouth. Her beautifully mismatched eyes look into my own with a deep-seated want burning hotter than the sun in July.

She holds up her scroll, which has a message  already displayed on it.

(Neo) - You know what I want.

(Y/N) - Really?

(Neo) - Please?

(Y/N) - ...Fine.


Day 3987 - Entry 5: Does it even matter who's who anymore?

...I've begun to notice something.

The longer I spend with a symbiote, the more... agreeable we become with each other. Bits and bytes of our personalities merge, and we truly feel like we're together.

We truly feel like one.

Liar wasn't the first to prove this theory. I spend months bonding with each symbiote to get to know them better, and help them get used to a sterilized environment. Liar's one of the ones I've spent the most time with. We chat with each other a lot, and sometimes, it feels like we're thinking in sync.

This begs the question though...

Even if the host and the symbiote can be two separate beings, they don't technically have to be.

After a while of being bonded with a symbiote, the line of individuality begins to fade slightly. It's not gone completely, the two beings just become more accepting over time. It's not like 'hey, I've put myself in your body, and am assimilating your personality'. No, it's more like, 'hey, we've been hanging out for awhile in the same body for so long, and we really like each other. We think a lot alike. We're still two people, but we're becoming closer and closer to one'.

This is an interesting discovery. I wonder what it could lead to.


Y/N and Liar P.O.V.

Yeah, Neo had read that particular entry. Now she's practically considering Liar and I as the same person... which I suppose we are? The more the symbiote connects, the more the host realizes it has something in common with the symbiote. It's like the symbiotes become and unlock a repressed part of the personality.

Welp. I suppose I should stop nerding out in our own head, and give her what she wants.


We can feel our tongue elongate by about three feet. As it happens, she decides to start sucking on our tongue.

It always feels good for some reason. I could never figure out why.

I don't know that much about the human biology, I never bothered to study up, but the tongue is a sensory organ. I assume it has something to do with that.

Oh. Interesting.

We can feel our breathing get heavier as she keeps sucking on our tongue. She reaches around, and starts feeling up our back. She's looking for the 'sweet spot' - A cluster of nerves found along the left edge of my spinal column that'll effectively bring us to a pleasure just short of orgasm when the cluster's massaged.

Basically when we're not on the battlefield, her massaging that spot is very welcomed.

Well, not in public as much as behind closed doors, but yeah. I'm not going to lie, I'm kinda hooked.

She finds the spot, and begins to massage it. We pull her closer, as several tendrils wrap around her arm, which lets her know that we don't want her to stop yet. 

She gets the hint.

Ohhhhhh... that's-that's putting it light-lyyyyyy...

Yeah... understatement of the year, right THERE! Oh... oh, that felt great...


Ruby P.O.V.  Location: Beacon hallways.

Yang and I are walking down the halls. We've just been chewed out by Ozpin, and Our family's been held up for further lecture.

(Yang) - Well, that went to hell fast.

(Ruby) - You think? It was our fault anyway.

We continue to talk about what just happened when we hear moaning coming from the infirmary. It sounds like our brother.

(Yang) - What the hell?

I open the door, and...

I wasn't prepared for what I saw next.

They're kissing. Big Brother is shaking for some reason, and Neo is rubbing a spot on his back. I don't even know what to say. I wish I could've said the same for Yang.

(Yang) - What in the HELL are you doing to my brother, bitch?!

They both look at us. Big brother's tongue is as long as it was during the fight, and his girlfriend still has some of it in her mouth. A greenish mass sprouts from his back, and pushes me and Yang out before slamming the door. I can faintly hear my brother on the other side.

(Y/N) - Now, where were we?


815 words. I know this one might seem weird, which is why I'd like to know what you think.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful (time of day).

Adagium Subjugate, OUT!

Demon in the Frame (Male symbiote researcher reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now