Chapter 6: Violent Incursion

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(A/N: I updated the BIO. Liar's finally got a profile photo. Feel free to take a look.)


Raven P.O.V.      Location: Branwen Bandit Camp.

I don't believe it. Everything that we've done, trying to find my nephew, and this is how it ends?

What did that alien do to him?!

(Sammy) - Somethin' on your mind, boss?

I turn to look at Sammy. He's not necessarily the most loyal of the bandits... 

...Makes me wonder why I bother keeping him around.

(Raven) - ... *sigh* ... It's my nephew. My family and I weren't exactly the best of people to him, and now that he's back, he's not really giving us a chance to improve. Besides, his girlfriend isn't letting us get close to him. I just wish she'd disappear. That way we'd be able to talk to Y/N...

(Sammy) - Oh, family troubles? I can sorta relate. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find a solution to your problem, Boss. Things seem to work out like that.

(Raven) - ...Thank you, Sammy.

(Sammy) - Not a problem. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to check the weapons cache that just came in. I'll see you around, boss.

He walks off, leaving me to wonder. What is he planning to do?

At least I am reassured that things will work out for us eventually.


Y/N and Liar P.O.V.        Location: Headmaster's office.


(Y/N) - No. 

(Neo) - Absolutely not.

We stand in front of Ozpin, who is trying to get us to join team RWBY's mission.

(Ozpin) - Look, it's one mission. All you have to do is grin and bear it, and I won't ask you to do it again.

(Y/N) - Tempting, but no.

(Ozpin) - I understand that you're not exactly their biggest fan, but would you be so cold as to let them die? Besides, this could be the one opportunity for you to prove to them that they need to leave you alone.

(Y/N) - ...That is the only thing that would make this worth it.

(Neo) - Seriously? ...Fine... We'll go.

---Flashback end---

We had left the headmaster's office, and quickly located the bullhead that RWBY would be leaving on.

They were already there. Yang and Ruby wouldn't stop asking us questions about Liar, our relationships, our friends and families.

These idiots just didn't know how to shut up. Fortunately, the same couldn't be said about their teammates.

(Yang) - So, bro... Where do you think the White Fang will be attacking in Vale?

(Y/N) - We're not your brother. He died a long time ago.

(Yang) - But-

Before she can get another word out, Liar forms over my nose and mouth, replacing it with his. She steps back, afraid, before we continue.

(Y/N) - As for the ideal location of this incursion, it would likely be in a place with lots of people. Perhaps a plaza, or a festival grounds. The Vytal Festival's not going to be on for another two semesters, so it would likely have to be the plaza.


We hear a large explosion, and turn to find where it came from.

You guessed it.

I turn to look at Neo, who has an exasperated look on her face, and a message on her scroll.

(Neo) - Why the hell did you have to be right?

(Y/N) - Believe us, we didn't want to be.


548 words. Not too bad. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and have a wonderful (Time Of Day)!

I know it's been a while since my last update, I've been binging a few of my old video games, trying to 100% the majority of them. Some of the games are being real bitches about it(Cough cough, FossilFightersChampions, Cough Cough).

Either way, I'll try to be quicker with my updates, and I know I promised a few people that I'd have the next chapter of Taking It All Apart up today. I may not be able to do that. I'm sorry in advance.

Either way, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and have a wonderful (Time of Day)!

Adagium Subjugate, OUT!

Demon in the Frame (Male symbiote researcher reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now