chapter 19

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i couldn't believe my eyes.

mattia polibio is crying, alone. all the boys weren't in the room anymore and he just sat there, taking in hitched breaths. he wasn't balling his eyes out or sobbing, he was just letting a few tears roll down and if you focused enough you could see his chest moving up and down in a fast pace.

"why do you think he's crying?" hannah said earning a smack from riley. "what? do you know?" she said rubbing her head. "no, but i'm thinking it's something to do with jenna?" she replies smiling nervously not wanting hannah to be mad.

i couldn't take my eyes off him though, but at the same time i felt as if i was intruding. "okay that's enough guys" i close the curtains and hannah whines "but it's getting really interesting" i glare at her "hannah watching people is weird and he's obviously going through something right now, it's rude to be nosy"

i get back on the bed while devyn puts on "the end of the fucking world" show. my eyes were on the tv but my mind was in the other house. "what was he crying about?"

"kairi please"

i pleaded my friend, not knowing whether he would agree to help me anymore. the boys all left me in the room alone to recollect myself and once i did i went downstairs to join them. i couldn't hold my thoughts any longer though so i pulled kairi to the side and asked for his help in getting another chance to atleast stay friends with mariana.

"you have to start from scratch, and i mean nothing" kairi said shaking his head, but i nodded "anything"  he sighs and takes my phone from my pocket. he dials jenna's number and hands the phone to me "there's something you need to fix and straighten out first"

"so are you coming?"

alvaro asks while sneaking a fry from my plate to his mouth. "i saw that" i laughed kicking his leg under the table. "sorry" he smiles. i never answered his question but instead thought about what i was going to say. normally i would talk to kairi about this but seeing kai push mattia and look so angry yesterday really made me think that he needs time out of our bullshit. "i- i saw something through alex's window yesterday" i mumbled making alvaro look up from his phone screen. "what?" it was only me and alvaro at the diner, i told him not to let anybody else know. "i saw something yesterday through alex's window" i repeated myself louder this time. "did you see him naked or something? shit did you get pics?"

my eyes widen and i kick alvaro again. "no you idiot" he shrugs and goes back to his phone. "i saw mattia crying" damn i really can't keep my mouth shut. he looks at me shocked and turns his phone off. "did you see anything else?" he asked,causing me to look down and play with my hands. "marii?" he asks trying to look at me. "i saw kai and him fight?" i said more of a question than a statement. alvaro sighs. "look it was complicated stuff, the boys things" he said holding my hand reassuringly. he looked at me and sensed my feeling of worry.

he takes a deep breath in "going back to my question you never answered, are you coming?" he asked again. "who's gonna be there?" i asked. "just me, the boys as usual and maybe devyn and hannah" he smiled then paused "and mattia" he continued . "i'll think about it" i said going back to eating my food. "it'll be fun" he assures not really getting me to believe it.

(a/n : if i made a mar book would u read it? and would it pop off just as fast as this one did? 6k reads rn that's crazy🥵)

i hate you ; mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now