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Queen mother looked at me with very calm and patient eye . This is literally like the quite before the storm . It is literally scaring the shit out of me . She suddenly stops making me run into her , almost making her fall . Woah Clarissa just wow !
She looks at me with her brows raised I muttered sorry .

" Call Aparatuk." She commanded one the guard . He was about to go but I interrupted him by saying that Aparatuk is not here .

She Dismisses guard and looks at me .

" Shall we ?" She nudges me into the room and I nod at her . Daymn I'm so screwed , Ahmose where are you ? Wait ! What is Ahmose going to do ? He's also like that he will be happy to know that I'm dead or maybe not , lord this is so confusing .

She sits on the wooden chair and makes me sit opposite to her .
I run my eyes through the dark room suddenly feeling all shivery . She raises her eyebrows at me which I dismiss . God ! I'm so done .

" So ? What was happening there ?" She arched her eyebrows cutting the bullshit and coming straight to the matter making me slightly me squirm under her .

" Where ?" Woah ! So classic of you Clarrisa . Where?! From all the words from your vocabulary you choose this one ?

" You know what I mean . What were you doing there with my son ?" She asked coming straight to the point .

" I ... I was not doing anything." I lied .

" Lady , I'm asking you for the last time . What were you doing there with a man who's not your fiancé ?" She stressed on the point fiancé . Okay she really needs a reality check for real .

" I'm no longer someone's fiancé ." I said looking straight in her eyes . I swear this confidence is going to be the death of me . I think I'll learn the hard way that soon I'm going to die because of this confidence, I have to ton it down .

" What do you mean ?" She arches her brows looking at me and sips her wine , looking calm , really calm . This woman shouldn't be calm at all !! She should be throwing that wine cup at me till my skull cracks but instead of that she's staring me and is arching her perfect arch brows .

" What I mean is that I broke my engagement with second in line prince Aparatuk ." I replied not faltering a bit .

" Why ?" She asks me again still not moving an inch and watching me with them calculating and cold eyes which made me squirm under those daunting eyes .

" I think I'm not ready , actually I'm not ready at all . These responsibilities are too much for me and frankly I'm not a girl who can manage such big duties . I need to have some understanding of everything and waking up from the death wasn't all too pleasing ." I smiled politely at her .

" So , you trapped Pharaoh in ? Are those duties not enough for you ? Not big enough ! Oh ! You need power , riches and all other things . " she smiles back .

" No , queen mother you're not getting my point . I have no such agenda against you and nor am I power hungry ." I stressed on the last line .

" Yeah, my child . You're not power hungry . You're are the incarnation of Greediness of power . I know girls like you . You foreign whore ." She smiles at me , seeping her wine and tapping her nails against the wooden table .
That's it , that's fucking it . I'm no whore .

" That's it . You're raising a question on my character . That's the limit lady . I maybe be bit confused but a power hungry whore ? Never ."

" Every power hungry Whore says this."

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