A familiar face and new friends

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-Training Field-

Keith walks up


*Sargent grade F*

Armin: Actually almost 2

Keith: Holy Fuck! Holy sweet Jesus! Holy of all mother who sacred and dear to men's mortal heart! Sweet double barrel jumping Jiminy Christmas Christ down a cracker box What the Fuck took so long

Armin: The creator wasn't doing so good

Keith: What did he catch a little fever did his little dick fall off?!

Armin: He went to the hospital

Keith: I go to the hospital all the time who gives a shit!?

Armin: But you're never sick

Keith: I don't go cause I'm sick you fucking spoon I just like laughing at children in wheelchairs, but stay on subject Artler how hard can it be to write a story?!

Armin: Do you know what it involves

Keith: I know exactly what it involves! It involves having no friends, It involves having a predilection for hentai fetish bullshit! It involves getting off your lazy ass and doing some work occasionally. Sweet holy pussy in wall maria didn't there used to be one update a week?!

Armin: Those were dark times.

Keith: You shut your whore mouth those were great times. Horse Shit! Here I am in space here I am in hell and here I am describing the width of your mother's Vagina it's disgusting and inspiring on a creative and mathematical level

Armin: Well played sir

Keith: Shut up

Armin: Wow sir what was that you just did? When you were talking to the camera

Keith: Well Artler It's an Author technique called breaking the 4th wall

Armin: ????

Keith: It's what writers do when they can't write for a cancerous DICK!

(Nah just kidding I love you all no homo)


An army full of devils appear in front of Vali and his team and one of his demon generals was going to be in charge of them all while he has you destroy and kill all those who oppose to the Khoas brigade

Demon General: I put in an order to the empire to send me a shitload of badasses and pillage-hungry murder machines and instead all I got was you cupcake cock-clowns and a side order fuck nuggets. I can see at a glance that 50% of you are cock-suckers and the other 50% are cock-suckers who've never been told to believe in themselves. I'm gonna' shove my boot so far and fast up your assholes it will trigger a geological event. You all reek of poverty and animal abuse, every breath you take is a stunning endorsement of abortion. You shit-stains are a collective masterpiece of failure. You cock-gobble and circle jerk each other to exhaustion every night, you probably signed up just to get pounded by the titans and probably cried like sissies when you realized Titans don't actually have dicks. You're sensitive pussies cried so many tears you could float away on a river of douche canoes. You glitter-toed, cock-wrangling, fairy-tinkle bag puff of fuck nuggets are gonna' get you collective anal cavaties stretched so far apart you'll think you're getting double fisted by the colossal titan himself. I will reorganize the failure that is all your lives, I will fuck-start your soul! I'll make you Mongoloid rock-chompin thunder cunts scream harder than your mothers after her fourth failed coathanger abortion

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