Chapter 5

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Boys are gross.

This Livy discovered (as if she hadn’t already known) upon visiting Niall at his shared apartment with other boys. She’d been there before but hadn’t paid too much mind to her surroundings; however, since she was sitting in the living room waiting for Niall to come back from the kitchen with a snack, she could observe.

And observe she did.

There was a pile of dirty clothes – it looked like a couple soccer uniforms – thrown in a pile by the front door, along with a dirty soccer ball, and dirty cleats. Various cups with various liquids littered the coffee table, as well as dirty plates and used napkins. Livy had cleared a spot for herself to sit on the couch, moving blankets and clothes and trash out of the way, cringing at the unidentifiable stain on the fabric.

Before she’d been with Niall, she’d been at home, anxiously awaiting Ashley’s arrival. Livy had been hoping for a love-struck Ashley that practically floated into the room with hearts for eyes and a grin so big her face was hurting. She wanted this for her best friend – she wanted someone that would mean more to her than just a quick fuck. If anyone deserved someone that would treat her right and make her happy, it was Ashley.

And Livy thought that Harry (probably) deserved the same in return (even if he had been a jerk to Livy).

Upon Ashley’s arrival, she walked in looking dazed, and happy, but not anywhere near as in love as Livy had imagined. Even so, Livy sprung from her spot on the seat and started bouncing up and down in excitement.

Ashley had looked at her innocently, smirking slightly. “What?”

Livy had almost screamed in annoyance.

“Do not act like you didn’t just get back from hooking up with Harry Styles!” Livy had said, her hands clamping onto Ashley’s arm as she walked into the living room. “How was it, Ash?”

Ashley had hummed, nodding as she looked up at the ceiling. Livy had imagined Ashley was remembering what had happened, and Livy waited anxiously.

Responses Livy had anticipated: I love him. He loves me. We’re dating. We’re meant to be.

Response Livy had gotten: “He’s a good fuck, Liv, that’s for sure but… Mm, I think I got him out of my system.”

Livy was not impressed at that. Her jaw had dropped and she’d stared at Ashley in shock, her hands loosening their grip for a second before she dug her nails into her skin.

What?” she practically had hissed.

“Liv… I don’t know,” Ashley had said, shrugging. “I know I’d been going after him for years but, like… Yeah, he was good. Better than I expected. But I don’t see anything else in him. He’s… He’s closed off. Grumpy. He was dazed after we finished, but then he just rolled over and went to sleep.” She’d shrugged. “Zayn at least-“

“Oh, Zayn,” Livy had groaned. “Here he comes again. You’re still hung up on him?”

Ashley had smiled. “Zayn actually smiled. Harry didn’t smile once. Not before, not during, and not after. And Zayn… Zayn was nice.” Ashley had blushed slightly at that, and Livy had been able to tell there was more behind that simple statement, but she didn’t push it.

She’d let Ashley go take a shower, disappointment seeping into her as she thought about the fact that Ashley wouldn’t even spare Harry a second thought – and Harry probably wouldn’t spare Ashley a second thought either. Ashley was a typically happy person, and Livy understood her hesitance towards Harry. His attitude was awful, and he definitely was grumpy.

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