Grumblegard part 1

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Your pov
It was another morning on Huttsgalor me, Winter, Dak, Winger and Burple were doing some tricks and Burple was trying to copy Winger and when me and Winter were about to we heard the howling of wolves and screeches of baby dragons so we followed Dak and saw that they were being chased so we went to rescue them.

There wasn't any adult dragons around so that means we have to take care of 6 baby dragons, according to Leyla they are Shreikscales and scream when they're hungry when they are young so now me Dak, Aggro and Burple are all going to try and find the bark of the Crimson Pine since Huttsgalor doesn't have any. "Dak re you just leading us towards Hazard Island?" I asked him "More or less" I gave him one of my 'give me the actual answer or I'll rip your head' stares and he said "Mostly more" I shook my head and sighed "Of course" when we got there something didn't feel right but we went straight towards the top of the Island. A sudden blow of really strong wind blew Aggro and Burple back but me and Dak held onto our dragons with a very tight grip on the saddle "Dak let go!" I yelled at him he just looked at me and said "All I heard was Go!" He yelled I gave him a sign to say watch me and as he watched I let go of Winters saddle and she got blown back and I saw Dak do the same thing.

On the sea stack Aggro was so furious about the fact that we just got out butts kicked BY WIND! I mean I don't blame her and that's when Dak got a plan...

"Wind jammer" Dak said and Burple took up the front of the home where the wind was coming from "Burple can we go any faster?" Aggro asked and Burple then yelled "Let me just ask my wings" he took a pause then continued on with "Yeah they said no" I gave a little giggle to that comment and Dak looked at me and we locked eyes for a split second "This is taking to long!" Aggro yelled now going ahead of Burple "Aggro No!!" Winger yelled "Stay in formation"she then got blown back and Burple got tired as well and let him self get blown away "I think we can make it just dive straight down" Winter said but before that happened she blew an ice chunk being an ice dragon and all but it just came straight back "Y/N!" Dak yelled but before he could get a tight grasp on me I jumped into the air but missed my landing on Winter. I could feel the rush of wind whip through my now loose hair and then I made contact with the ground only to realise that I landed standing up which has never happened to me before "Look the wind is blowing in the opposite direction" I quickly stated we all stood there confused but I just shrugged it off "Ok can we please just get this bark and go it's giving me an uneasy feeling?!" I said Dak nodded his head and just as he reached out to get some of the bark a voice echoed through the Island "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY TREES!"

Dak stepped away and grabbed my hand both of us looking at the cave and an extremely large dragon stepped out and as it stepped forward me and Dak stepped back "So you made it through my wind blast, I must be getting rusty in my old age" the dragon spoke to us and as he towered over us I squeezed Daks hand and he gently pushed me behind him in a protective way "Listen dragon all we need is some bark" and just putting it out there, that's not how I would've started it "I'm sorry my vision must be getting worse than I thought, what is this ugly dragon saying?" The big dragon asked "Um were not dragons, I mean I wish I was..." I gave him a nudge behind his knee and he said "I'm a human" the dragon tilted it's head up a bit "My hearing must be getting bad to, did you just talk to me?" He said to us. I gave a small nod "Yes we did because we were brought up by adult dragons!" I said Dak gave me a small smile which I gladly returned "I don't care where your from or why you're here I just want you gone" I gave Dak a knowing look "Listen I'll be fair and give you the count of, times up" he threw some rocks at us "Y/N look out!" Just after Dak said that I kicked them out of the way he then blew his wind towards us I tried to dodge but instead he caught me under his big claw "Right if you leave you can have your friend back and if you don't say your goodbyes now" I looked at Dak and I knew he had a plan "Ok we'll leave now just give Y/N back to us and we'll go somewhere else" I nodded at Dak who smiled "Actually changed my mind you have to come and save her" I gave a gasp and ran not entirely sure where I was going but Grumblegard didn't let me go because he just trapped me on the ground "Y/N get ready to roll!" Dak said and I nodded then Winger blasted the rocks above him and they all collapsed "NOW!" I rolled out the way one of the sharp ones grazing my cheek just a enough to draw a little blood "You should have left when you had the chance... You've made and enemy today!" He said I shook my head and said "We're not here to make enemies Grumblegard we're just trying to feed some dragons" after that we took off not before collecting some bark on the way out from the top of the tree on the way to leaving and when we arrived back at the Roost Grumblegard appeared and said that if we don't leave by sundown tomorrow then he will blow Huttsgalor into the sea

"Then tomorrow we fight him!" I said and Dak gave me a smile and I smiled back.

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