Chapter Twenty-One

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Kimberly stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror of her hotel room. She didn't even recognize the person that was staring back at her.

She regretted allowing Calum to talk her into cutting her hair. It was now at her shoulders and instead of being frizzy and curly, it was smooth and bouncy.

She hadn't wanted the rest of the guys to see her so she made up an excuse to miss last night and tonight's shows but there was no escaping it now.

She sighed one more time and pulled down her dress again. She really wasn't up for clubbing tonight but she had to because the boys, well, Calum went through so much.

She sighed again when she heard banging at her door. "Kimmy!" She heard Luke shout from the other side.

Great! They sent Luke to pick her up. She didn't know what but recently she was starting to feel really nervous around Luke.

She also didn't like how she was noticing small things about him. Like how amazing his hair looked when it wasn't all gelled up and it was just falling into his eyes; especially when he woke up in the mornings, or how he always kept playing with his lip ring when he was nervous or how perfect his teeth were.

"The door's open Luke!" She called from the bathroom as she applied some last minute touches to her makeup.

"I'm really glad you decided to do this." Luke said walking into her room.

"Well, I don't think I had much of a choice." She said slipping on the nude heels Calum had insisted she buy.

"That's so true. But you still could've said no. You never struck me as the type..." Luke's sentence hung in the air as Kimmy walked out of the bathroom pulling down her dress.

Everything that Luke was thinking about that day, or his entire life, went out his head when he saw her. He knew she was beautiful. Damn, he was in love with the girl but he had no words for how amazing she looked right now.

The first thing Luke noticed was her hair. He remembered her telling him the reason her hair was so thick and curly was because she was 'mixed'. Whatever that meant.

But she'd cut almost half of it off so it barely passed her shoulders and kind of hugged her face giving her a different look altogether. She dyed the tips of her hair purple.

"You changed your hair." He said still staring at her.

She smiled and ran her fingers through her hair. "Yeah, Cal convinced me to do it. Whatdaya think?"

"I like it." He said smiling at her. "You look amazing."

She chuckled nervously and grabbed her clutch from off the bed. "You don't look so bad yourself Luke." She said taking the hand he was offering her.

"Good thing you didn't go shopping with Michael."


"The ends of your hair won't be the only thing that's purple. I'm surprised Cal didn't convince you to get a tattoo." Luke said as they stepped into the elevator.

"He was this close." She said laughing up at Luke.

Maybe this night wasn't going to be so bad after all.


"Come on." Michael slurred sitting across from Kimberly. "We brought you here to have fun."

"I am having fun." She argued taking a sip of her drink. She felt it go straight to her head.

"Come, let's dance." Michael said pulling her onto the dance floor.

"Mikey I don't dance." She said remembering the last time she danced was with Max.

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