Chapter Five

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Enjoy! You'll be happy at the end of this chapter...

We make it back to the hospital an hour later. And I'm praying—I'm screaming to the heavens—that Quinn is still there. Christopher is right. Even if she doesn't make it...even if I lose Quinn, I have to be by her side. I have to hold her hand and kiss her forehead and tell her to fight. To stay here with me. That I love her and no matter what I will never leave her.

Our fight was stupid. Fuck, it was the dumbest argument I could have ever picked. I fought with her over a cake. A goddamn cake. She just wanted everyone to be happy and comfortable. She is kind and considerate and so goddamn empathetic toward other people and I just—I used it as a weapon against her. Made her change who she was because I was the insecure one. Because I said yes to a major question and I'm terrified I wasn't ready.

I'm paralyzed. I feel nothing but fear as we walk through the hospital doors. The brightly lit hallways burn my eyes. Or maybe it's the tears that haven't stopped falling since this all began.

Christopher holds my hand as he guides me through the maze of corridors to Quinn's room. The rest of my family waits in there with her. CoCo has Izzy in her lap next to Quinn's bedside. Izzy has a book in her hands, one of her favorite Dr. Seuss books. Every time Quinn and I visit CoCo and Mitchell, Izzy makes Quinn read it to her. She thinks it funny when Quinn stumbles over the fast-paced rhyming words.

The tears fall faster watching Izzy read the words from the pages just like Quinn did. Silly voices, gestures, the whole shebang. Christopher's arm wraps tightly around me, Mom 's hand squeezing mine before walking toward my dad and Asa. They hug quickly, my mom places a kiss on each of their cheeks.

"I'm going to run to get some food," my dad says planting a kiss on my head.

"I should feed Izzy, too, and give Mitchell a call," CoCo adds. Izzy pouts but closes the book and places it on Quinn's lap.

"Don't worry Auntie, I'll finish this when we get back," Izzy whispers and pats Quinn's hand. "I think she misses you," She says to me next as her and CoCo head toward the exit of the room.

"Izzy," CoCo starts to pull her daughter away. I stop her and crouch down to my nieces' level.

"I miss her, too," I say softly. Izzy reaches forward brushing the tears off my face.

"Maybe you can finish the book while I eat," Izzy suggests. "Auntie always loves listening to you read. She gets this big smile every time."

"No, no, I'll save the book for you, munchkin." I kiss Izzy's cheek and stand back up. "I think I just want some privacy with her...if that's okay." The rest of my family members nod and start to filter out of the room. Christopher is the last to leave.

"I'll be right outside the door, if you need me." The door clicks shut behind me. I'm left alone with beeping machines and the shell of the woman I love.


I don't speak for a while. Nothing comes out. I sit next to her, holding her hand in mine, and let the beeping filled the room.

It's scary. Seeing her like this. Not knowing if she will wake up. Not knowing what will happen if she does...

Scary because the last time I was in this situation Mae died.

Because Quinn still thinks I'm mad at her. She only remembers my anger, not that I love her. That I forgive her. That everything that has happened between us in the past months have been my fault. It's all my fault.

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