Chapter Seven

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Anyway, I kind of want this story to be over no matter how much I love it. I prolonged it for so long. Not to say these chapters I've put out aren't my best work, because I actually feel like this came to me very easily compared to before. I just want to move on to something different and finish this up. 

So! I'm posting the final two chapters now to put this story to rest. 

Please enjoy!

It hasn't been easy getting back to the way things were with Quinn and I. I mean, we are more than good now. We communicate better, we spend more time together—like actually together. My family doesn't meddle anymore. They only offer me or Quinn advice when we ask, and lately we've taken to trying to work things out between each other than running to someone else to solve our problems. It leads to a lot of sleepless nights and exhausted mornings, but it works. We don't sleep angry. We take a minute of space if things get too heated. But we never let the other feel like we don't love them or that we aren't going to try our best.

It started small. We stayed at my parents house for a few weeks sharing that room while Quinn worked up the strength to be able to at least climb the stairs to make it to our bedroom at home. She wasn't happy with how I had broken my sober streak over our fight. I wasn't happy about it either. But from that day onward, I swore not to drink a drop of alcohol again. Not for any reason. And she promised to help.

That morning after I threw up on Christopher, I woke up to a pounding headache and a beautiful girl holding me tightly against her chest. It was easy to promise myself to never hurt her again. Softly lit by the morning sun, puffy eyes from crying the night before. I knew it had been over me. She stirred and her eyes locked with mine. There was a small smile, one that didn't quite reach her eyes, but it was something.

"I'm sorry," I said immediately.

"Good morning to you, too," she stretched and kissed my forehead. "I forgave you already, love, don't worry so much."

"No, I'm sorry for everything," I held to hand tightly on her chest. "You deserve more than what I have been giving you. I—I was scared."

"Of what?"

"Losing you...again."

"Theo," she whispers, her hand tilting my chin up forcing me to look at her. "I am never going to willingly leave you again. That—leaving with Tae-Jin is my biggest regret. I never should have done that, but I was scared."

"I know, but I kept thinking what if you got scared again, what if you leave for something more comfortable. Something easier..."

"I don't want easy, I want you." The way she said it, the firmness, the simplicity. I don't really know how but it started to mend the cracks in the relationship that my own doubt created.

"Will you marry me, then?" I asked sitting up and pulling her up with me. She grinned.

"I thought you'd never ask."


I don't dare move any closer. Instead, I lean against the frame of the doorway and watch as Quinn bounces Izzy on her lap. Her leg is much stronger now. She still feels pain sometimes, like when the weather is bad or we push it too far. But right now, she giggles with our niece, fingers dancing along the little girls sides as they make up a song together.

"Isa—bella, beautiful, bright ," Quinn sings. "Giggling girl, what a sight!"

"Aunt Quinny!" She giggles. "That's not a very good song."

Quinn gasps, "oh? How dare you diss my songwriting talents?" Quinn lifts her up and spins her in the air before gently tossing her onto the couch. She proceeds to tickle the hell out of the girl who is squealing and laughing.

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