Chapter 1

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Walking down the long hallways of the facility,a woman,what seemed to be in her mid 20's had short brownish-black hair,blue eyes,fairly tanned skin,glasses,and aswell as some formal clothing on.

As she entered the office she would be interviewed in,the man ahead of the table was waiting for her,"Please take a seat Ma'am." The man had said.She then took a the seat infront of her.


The interview had gone well,the woman had a smile on her face after finallly being hired for the job,she felt as if she'd been sitting there forever.As she had left the office,a nametag on her chest had read,"Kai".

Kai had been assigned to clean a certain cell,I guess you gotta start off small.She had been assigned to clean the cell of "SCP-096"? The more she thought about it,the more she was terrified.Kai was informed about this SCP before starting to go to it's cell--She had now known what would be the consequences if she would look at the "thing"

She would most likely die.

She shivered at the thought,but soon enough she had the courage to be ready for this task.She headed to the containment cell of this thing..A few guards stopped in her tracks,"Excuse me Ma'am,you're here to clean SCP-096's cell.Right?" One of the guards had said,"Yep." she replied back,"Well then,come with us.We'll lead you to it's containment room."

Another Timeskip..

She was here,standing nearby it's cell.Doors opened,sobbing was in the room,and of course--Blood was everywhere.She gagged as she saw the blood on the floor,a completly destroyed corpse of a Class-D personnel.Guts everywhere,the limbs had been torn off with blood bleeding after.She closed her eyes,avoiding to think of how she might die like that,but then..The white figure had started to stand up,someone had looked at it.

As the screaming started happening the researcher had entered to check on Kai,that was a bad mistake as he accidently looked at the white figure,"KAI,GET OUT OF THERE NOW!-" Another researcher was cut off as the white figure started screaming,Kai sprinted out of the room,the researcher who had looked at the SCP chased Kai out of the room to get out--And then..

The SCP soon followed after.

(Wowie,this chapter went pretty good than i expected,but anyways.Thanks for readin'!)

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