Chapter 3

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The footsteps made was made by guards rushing towards the SCPs and Kai,"Kai,step back from the SCPs!",One of the guards had said pointing a gun towards one if the anomalies.Kai blocked the path of the gun by staying infront of 049,"No! They're kind,promise!",Kai had replied back,sadly she was forcefully removed by the guards.

Soon,035 was also removed from it's host carefully...Trying to stab a few guards with it's tentacles,but sadly failed.The plague doctor was soon handcuffed and had a metal collar on,and were both put back into their containment cells,Kai was sad to see them go,but she had go back and clean some cells.

4 Days later after the breach..

Due to Kai's good behavior,and trustworthy personality,she's now able to visit cells and talk to some SCPs,but she still does have to clean cells from time to time,she's used to it.

(Let's move on to a different person now,shall we?)

The red amulet necklace around a Dr's neck,would'nt really call him a doctor--Ahem,anyways.This person was called by the name "Dr.Bright",He was being checked by guards while roaming the hallways nearby the containment cells,making sure he was'nt doing anything stupid.

And then,chaos struck,another breach had happened.

(Now let's return back to our main character.)

Kai was trying to stay calm,making sure not to make a single sound just incase if she encountered an SCP right around the corner she was walking through.

She heard a scream go off,followed by a loud roar from near the corner of the hallway.SCP-682 breached containment,and recently,Kai had been informed about this SCP,she shivered in fear not knowing what do to.

"Hey! Kai!"

Someone called for her,she went to the direction of the call to find out that both 049 and 035 were there,but suprise,supirise! They had SCP-096 with them."WHAT THE HECK,WHY IS THAT HERE-",she shouted loudly,but not louder than those annoying alarms.

"Sheesh,calm down girl.It's only a few times you get to see this dude,now anyways-" 035 had said before being cut off by 049

"Me,Mask,and were planning to escape.Although we think its a little bit too early for that." 049 had said

Sobbing could be heard from the tall white creature as guards and staff members screaming,shouting, or yelling in the hallways.But then soon enough,the alarm had stopped,and pure silence replaced the loud screaming or shouting.

Once again,different footsteps had been heard.Although it looked like 049 was listening closely to the footsteps that could be heard.

The footsteps were slightly quiet,but still were able to be heard,around the corner,it seemed like a female three-year-old child.The girl walked slowly towards the group,curious of what they're doing,then the child had smiled and said something

"Hello!" The girl waved her arm,"Who are you?" she asked.

The three anomalies and Kai walked towards the small girl,"Call me Evelyn!" She said,offering to shake the hand of Kai-

(Yes,that name is from that one video.)

Kai smiled,seeing how kind and sweet Evelyn is,Kai reached out her hand to shake Evelyn's,until she heard a scream behind her,immediately turning around,seeing SCP-096 turn into it's agressive state.

049,035,Evelyn,and Kai ran to another hallway to avoid being either shot by the guards heading towards SCP-096,or trying to avoid making eye contact.As soon as they were in a safe place,Evelyn was now able to properly introduce herself,although she was still frightened.

A yell was heard from a different hallway,bullets could be heard getting fired at a certain enitity,Evelyn hugged Kai to feel safe.Kai hugged back,patting Evelyn's head to try and comfort her,Evelyn eventually calmed down after the bullets had been fired from another hallway.

Kai noticed 049 and 035 had already been gone,she panicked not knowing what to do.And she panicked badly.

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