I. Moment 1

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I quietly walk through the london mist, lana singing through my ear buds, I round the corner leading to my flat sighing in teen angst. I then laugh at my melancholy attitude and put on a smile for Marshall. I like to think im Cassie from Skins and skip alot. You'd be surprised by the ammount of times I say "wow" in a day, it's deplorable. I walk in to Marshall and Niall playing guitar Prelude no. 3 on the couch, a lot of concentration in both there eyes. So much concentration, I'm able to slip into the kitchen unnoticed. I smile at how sneaky I get to be and twirl around. In my hasty twirling im caught at the waist by Zayn and Alex who begin to vigourously tickle me.

"I'm crying on the inside," I say through clenched teeth as they continue to attack my sides.

"I swear you're bullet-proof or something," Zayn says sighing as he gives up. 

"Maybe shes an alien. i've always wanted to meet one," My brother Alex proclaims. I shrug not wanting to fall into his fantsy and continue on with my grocery unpacking that i'd momentarily forgotten about. Rain dropped loudly outside calming me to the bone. It hard living with seven boys and just one other girl. At the thought of Violet I whisteled a 4 note tune, her call to come join me from whatever she was previously doing. I hear the patter of pointe shoes and spin to see lengthy Violet bourree-ing across the dark floors like some sort of swan in her leotard and tights. 

"Bon jour, mademoiselle," I say bowing.

"En chante, moi cheri," she replies giggling in a curtsy. I point to the full bad of vegetables and she grumpily begins to unpack. 

"God Vi dont those hurt your feet," Alex as squinting in pain at Violets shiny new pointe shoes. 

"Ask Andy she wears her twice as long as I do during the week," Violet replies smiling. I shrug unfazed. Ballets an emotional art neglected and stupidly used by many. I find energy and life in my dance and I dont need stupid jocks like my brother trying to make it into some inconvinience to his masculinity. 

"ANDREA WYNETTE," I hear Louis shout, "WHERE IS MY PASTA."

"In here you toad," I reply tiredly. I hear a scramble of feet and the screech of a hungry 19 yearold as he stroms into the now overly cramped kitchen. I gaze at everyone accusingly, where were Harry and Liam I was getting nervous they were planning something. My rainy day vibes cant haddle any more childish shennanigans from all these crazy tweleve year old fan fics that muddled there heads. Honestly Liam reads more about how he killed someone for management than he does actual worthy literature. 

"Who finished the Lit essay," I ask. Everyone raises there hands. "Good you all can work together to help me string something together because I have no idea how to write a thesus."

"Come on Andy 18 years old and still cant write a formal essay on Orwells warning of Socialists Totalitarian enslavement of the world? I expect more from such a philosophical hierarchy as yourself." Marshall adds in mockingly.

"I cant help that these golden locks add for some lackage of necessary brain cells," I say flipping my blonde hair. Marshall and Alex follow my lead and I watch in awe as there twin powers kick in and they do a spot on impression of me.

"Its incredible how much you look three look like each other, sibling power for life." Liam says slow clapping himself into the room. I stick my tongue out at him playfully not wanting to bother my older twin brothers with there weird impersonations. Out of the blue Harry himself comes in sniffling, and the whole crowd of us remain silent at his entrance. He begins to sob and the crowd swarms him in a group hug. 

"Harry, buddy whats wrong," I ask pulling him in more.

"Oh nothing," he says cherrily, "I just like to keep emotions wondering around this house." I punch him in the gut playfully and squeeze out of the huddle. I sigh knowing we all have to be at class in 45 minutes and hop up to my room to get changed. I throw on my black ripped knee jeans, a soft grey pullover, my healed cutout booties, grabbed my pink shoulder bag and was out my door shaking out my hair and grabbing everyone to round up at the subway to get to class. The nine of us managed to get out of the door in one piece and walked the two blocks to the subway. 

"geronimo!" Violet shouts as we all race down the steps and onto the train to Uni. 

"I feel like a mother when I have to round all of you up," I say sadly hating to be the responsible one. 

"I call dibs on being fun crusher next time!" Liam yells and I sigh happy to be giving up my current role. The ride to school is cool thanks to the rain and i fall asleep between Alex and Marshall, drifting into my chillling subconcious. 


Well thats it then. I mean the start at least. Its a little odd i know but hey it'll grow on you all, i know it. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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