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You see everyone is born with a trait and everyone can get a similar trait or exact same trait which isn't as rare as it should be. Like for an example mostly the teachers, police officers, or security guards have a trait that can cancel a person's trait from looking at them which makes it easier to restrain them. In the past, jobs needed certain traits in order for a person to work there, but after a couple of years that law got erased because people thought that was not fair and that people should get any job that they like despite their trait. I feel like I'm going too fast again (sorry it's a bad habit). Traits are abilities or powers or quirks, but for certain reasons we just call it Traits which is quite ironic because people can have similar traits or the exact same trait which again shouldn't be a thing. Traits have a big role in this world, depending on your trait and how you use it, you can be the richest and the most powerful person in the world, but at the same time the poorest and the weakest. Realistiy speaking, even if you have the most stupid trait like warming things with your mind or your hands, depending on how you use it and trained with it, you can be powerful and wealthy. And with that being said that's basically how it is in the real world, but fortunately I'm not in that world yet. I'm a senior still, but I don't want to start the story there so let's start at 6th grade.

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