Eighth Grade pt.1

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I was walking back home when I saw Mark walking in the middle of the street angry, his pressure was rising at an alarming pace so I rushed over to him.
Myself- Yo you good ?
Mark- Someone stole my bike!!!
Myself-Your what?
Mark- My Bike!!!
After he said that, we started traveling the main road, streets, corners, but we couldn't find anything. It was getting late
when we decided to part ways. As I was at least 1.5miles away from Mark I sensed his pressure increase immensely,
I turned around with my trait activated
and ran as fast as I could over to him
When I arrived he was surrounded by at least ten guys
I walked over to him and put my back to his, ready to fight. As soon as I stopped, the guys noticed me and I overheard one of them saying I just appeared out of nowhere, but if any one of them were speeders they would of seen me coming. Mark wasn't affected by my sudden appearance because not only does he recognize my pressure by now, he was mostly focused on a bent bike in front of...wait...isn't that our Alpha ? What's he doing here and why is he doing this ? I didn't even realize that Mark's pressure was rising at an unsafe level, when my back starting feeling intense heat when it was only 40 degrees outside. I turned my head around to see blue flames erupting around him like our last fight.. As soon as I noticed that, a guy flew straight over our heads to the Alpha. The two tall hooded guys next to the Alpha walked in front of him and stopped the guy from colliding with the Alpha. I looked forward on my side to see a tall black guy with big dogs. On his left, right and front were three big white dogs and when I say big I mean they were at his hip. Like the guy was obviously 6ft tall or even higher. He looked at all of the guys then finally me and Mark. He had a pissed off look on his face until he saw Mark with a sadness in his eyes.
???- Go to him
The dogs ran forward, the one on the right was smaller, but faster than the rest. While the one in the front was the biggest,but the slowest in speed and the one on the left was normal size (or whatever normal size is when it comes to these dogs) but had a normal pace. They rushed passed me, and before I realized who they're target was they already reached mark. I was gonna give them a shock when they started licking mark's face. The flame in Mark's hand dissiaped and his pressure was lowering to safe volumes. In fact he smiled greatly when he saw the dogs. I didn't even notice that the tall black guy was now directly in front of me.
???- Care, to explain why the both of you are surrounded.
He had his arms crossed and had a dark expression on his face. I was completely petrified from his gaze, I can tell that he must be the alpha in his family maybe even in his workplace too. I felt Mark put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
Mark-Dad this is Jared, he was helping me look for my bike, but when I got surrounded he came to my aid. His father stared at me for a moment, not out of anger, but a look I'm not familiar
with...was it gratitude ? I'm gonna have to think about it later because the dogs started growling at the enclosing guys.
Mark's dad- So let me get this straight, you grown-ass looking muthafuckas really out here taking a middle-schoolers bike, breaking it and since that wasn't enough, y'all about to jump him and his friend for trying to take it back ?
When he said that I almost busted out laughing, but I managed to keep it in, Mark on the other hand laughed
Mark- They're in our grade
Mark's dad just looked at him with a blank surprised expression, he looked at the Alpha and pointed at him.
Mark's dad- Even him ?!?
Mark nodded to him.
Mark's dad- But, he look like a grown-ass man, yo you look like a grown-ass man with that beard, get ya ass outta here, before I knock you out!!!
When he said that he increased his pressure immensely to the point of me almost falling to my knees, Mark was also struggling under it as well. When I looked over at the Alpha, the two tall guys in cloaks were holding him in place. While some of his lackies fell to their knees or completely on the group paralyzled. After he lowered it the kids started scrambling away, the Alpha gave Mark a dark look before turning around and leaving.
Mark's dad- Creepy little kid, but kudos to you for being able to stand in my pressure at this age. The only kid I know to do that is this kid here.
He reaches down to shake Mark's head and in return Mark gave him a huge smile.
Myself-heh, thank you Mr. ?
Mark's dad- Brown, what's your name ?
He held his hand out for a handshake so I shook it
Myself- Jared, Jared Henderson.
I ran home using my trait, when I got home my Grandfather was waiting for me in my room.
Grandpa- Where were you ?
I didn't answer him immediately because the tone in his voice was full of anger that he didn't bother hiding. He got up and slowly started walking towards me, increasing his pressure as he went. I felt my knees shaking, I was scared.
Grandpa- I thought I asked you a question.
He was too close for comfort now and he was looking down on me. I weakly spoke.
Myself- I...I had to help a friend...he was surrounded so I had to-
He suddenly grabbed me by my shirt collar and pulled me close.
Grandpa- You used your trait ?!?!? Have you lost your damn mind ?!?!
No one was home today so he was able to increase his pressure to the point where if he lets me go I'm falling to the floor.
Myself- I'm.....sorry
After five minutes of this, he let me go to fall to the floor. He looked at me with such anger, it made me cry.
Him-Come on, your gonna let him do this ? your stronger than this, than him. Honestly your so fucking pathatic let me take the reins, I'll take the Alpha title away from him in an instant.
I thought about it for a while. If I gave in and let Him take the reins I'll be happy. I won't have to live in fear of his mood swings, I won't have to cry at night anymore wondering when it will stop because We can make it stop all We have to do is kill- I opened my eyes to that last part. Kill ? no...no I would never do such a thing, he was just worried is all...Plus he's getting old, he's not always like this-
Grandpa- Wipe your face and get up, your going to Tay's house.
Myself- Fuck.
I looked up to see him rushing me...sigh...this is gonna be a long day. Anyway he took me to aunt tay's house because I forgot I needed the printer for work today so I had to go over. It was friday and Tay was waiting at the front. She waved to grandad and gave me a hug.
Tay-Hey J, how are you ?
I would say I felt like shit, but I rather not get in trouble with her too.
Myself-I'm good how are you ?
Tay-Oh you know same old, same old, lets get inside since I'm making food.
We walked inside and I was unpacking, she was in the kitchen when she asked.
Tay-So what are you working on ?
Myself- Uh, just geography work.
I was going through the directions and noticed that something was off. I reread the directions again and again, but no matter how many times I read it, I wasn't wrong. I remember thinking "this whole thing is due in two days". That's when I heard the dishes clatter.
Tay- It's due when ?
Tay- Stop cursing and answer me.
I turned around to see Tay standing at the kitchen entrance with a dark look, you see my aunt back then cared a lot about my grades than anyone else in my life and the fact that I was failing Geography at the time was not helping my case.
Myself- It's...It's due in the next two days, but I'm sure I can do it Tay I swear.
My pleads fell on death's ears when I saw here rushing me with a belt...Like father, like daughter I guess. After it was done I was crying in the bathroom when I heard the front door open.
???- Yo, yo, yo I'm home.
I recognized the voice immediately and smiled. I almost ran out, but I stopped myself to look at the mirror. My eyes were massively puffy and tear stains were heavily present with snot. I took a deep shaky breath then washed my face. I ran out to see Leo.
Leo turned around in shot to see me and smiled while giving me a fist bump.
Leo- What's up J! What you doing here ?
Tay-Yea what ARE you doing here J when your supposed to be in the back doing your damn Project.
My smile faded and looked down.
Myself-Right, I'll talk to you later Leo.
I was walking to the backroom when I overheard their conversation.
Tay-I know what your thinking, but no not until he's done half his project tonight, I don't care how long it takes him he will get it done.
Leo-I get that baby, but come on everyone forgets things ya know ?
Tay-Well when he gets A's then he's allowed to forget, but since he has two F's and the rest C's I don't see that happening and that's it.
Leo didn't say anything else on the matter, he can probably tell it was a lost cause. Tay brought my dinner to me and allowed me to watch t.v with it, but as soon as I was finished eating I had to turn it off and keep working. I had to move to the living room since Tay was getting tired, but still no t.v was allowed on. It was 11:00pm when Leo came in the living room (if anyone is curious about the timeplacement of any of these events:
When I arrived to help Mark it was
When I got confronted by my Grandfather it was
Then the moment I was confronted by Tay to now was
Leo-yo you done ?
Myself-Just finished.
Leo-dope, catch theses.
He threw me a ginger ale and a controller, I activated my trait with a smirk and stopped them mid-air with a kinetic pulse. Leo stood there surprised.
Leo- oh ? is that new ?
I waved my hand to my direction and the items floated to me with an electric aura surrounding it.
Myself- It's brand new I did it by accident when I was to busy to get up and grab the remote from across the room yesterday.
Leo-Haha, well how does it work ?
I thought about it for a moment and I said with a smile.
Myself-I have no idea! But hol up let me see your phone real quick.
He passed me his phone while getting the game hooked up, I closed my eyes and focused accessing the information in the web to understand this new ability and how it works or at least get an idea of it.
Myself- Ight, so basically it's a electrokinetic/magnetic ability so I can lift pretty much anything small to medium.
Leo looked at me dumbfounded after turning the PS3 on.
Leo-Wait did you access that information through my phone and to your brain ?
Leo-Dude that's incredible, how are you failing any class if you can just access any information you want ?
I finished my can of Ale and I replied with
Myself-Simple, it's not rewarding.
Leo gave me uh, are you serious look, so I continued with saying.
Myself-Look if I figure/do things on my own without my trait then not only do I feel accomplished, but it would get Tay off my back, Because let's say I do use my trait, I would just be stealing other people's intellect, everything I say or do wouldn't be my own and my aunt knows me, she knows how I think and speak. If she finds out I wrote an essay like a famous writer on my first try than she would 100% beat me more. And yes you could say that accessing the internet is what everyone does, but I do it at an alarming pace with my trait on so I usually have it off all day at school. When I'm home it's different because I experiment with my trait there.
Leo- Even with your grandpa home ?
Myself- He encourages me using it home, but anywhere else it's not. He wants me to be Alpha like how he was back in school, but I don't want too, it brings unwanted attention especially if I don't have a personal council set and ready for combat. Plus if I get hurt or angry I lose control and another side comes out.
Leo-That sounds pretty cool though.
Myself- yea, but what's not cool is losing conscious then waking up to people getting sent to the hospital because of what I did.
Leo pondered for awhile.
Leo- Well my best advice is don't be too hard on yourself, you have a good heart so even if you did lose control and hurt someone by accident don't let that define you. Your much stronger than you look Okay ? you just gotta learn to control your anger and use it as your own because you have such a good heart that if you were to let something bad happen knowing you had the power to stop it, that guilt would just eat you alive. Ya know what if you ever became an Alpha, I bet you would be a great and if that happens you owe me a ginger ale.
I thought about his words that night and even Imagined myself as an Alpha, but the more I thought about it the more I thought it was bullshit. Fast forward by a lot because everything in the middle is just another piece of bullshit that I don't feel like getting into, we are now on the last week of school and as I was walking to lunch I saw people running to the cafe saying there's a fight going on with the Alpha. So I decided to turn around and eat lunch another day when I felt a weak pressure coming from the cafe. I turned around and ran to the cafe and pushed people out the way so I can get a clear view. I saw everyone at my table knocked out, the only two left was Barry and Mark, but something was off about them. I don't see Mark using his ice or fire and Barry had his eyes half-way open like he's falling asleep. The Alpha and the two cloaked guys were standing in front of them. I remember thinking about lenny's words and thought if I could live with letting Mark and Barry get their ass beat. Then I thought how dumb I was for even thinking that when I rushed to Mark's rescue multiple times. I spinned around and threw my backpack to the tall guy on the left of the Alpha which left his side completely open for an attack. The tall guy was a bit dazed from the textbooks in my bookbag to see me coming. The Alpha also turned around to late to see me kick his side with all my might. He fell back against right tall guy which made him fall as well. I ran to Mark and Barry to put my hands in front of their chests.
Myself-Hope this works
I activated my trait and gave them an electric shock that I dub as "electric heal" or "Pulse heal". Mark's eyes snapped open and so did Barry's.
Barry- Yoooooo! I feel great right now bro, What did you do ?!?!
Mark-I feel like you gave me all the energy I lost, matter a fact I feel like you gave me a whole boost.
They both jump around to see wake themselves fully, but they didn't need to since that pulse woke them up.
Myself- I'll explain later, but right now tell me the situation what does he want.
Barry-I don't know, I suddenly felt sleepy when Mark got dragged out of his seat, I tried to Wolf out, but I felt like I was losing my energy, then you showed up and gave me back my energy so thanks for that man.
He slapped my back and just like last time, it makes me wince of pain, he put his hands up.
Barry- Right sorry I didn't mean too.
I shook my head and looked over to Mark.
Myself- You got anything for me on their traits ?
Mark-One of them as a knockout trait while the other as a strong trait, the Alpha himself hasn't revealed his yet, but I'll make sure he does.
The security guards arrived and were about to paralyze us when the Alpha raised his hand.
Alpha- Stay out of this, this is our fight alone.
The guards nodded and stood by, the reason why is because when an Alpha is in a fight it can't be interrupted, so technically speaking I interrupted, but he didn't care. Probably because after he was done with Mark he would of gone after me.
Myself-Alright Mark, I'm guessing you want the Alpha so go do your thing, Barry and I will handle the tall guys.
Mark nodded to me and was forming ice in his hand while Barry started transforming. This was the first time I ever seen a shapeshifter, he grew fangs, his nails got long and sharp forming claws. His ears got pointer and his eyes turned a brilliant gold color. He howled then snarled at his opponent. I decided to charge up my arms and my legs to enhance my kinetic impact when I hit, because honestly without my trait I'm quite powerless even in strength. There was a bit of a standoff until Mark charged forward with ice under his feet sliding to the Alpha. The Alpha's right hand man had gas coming out of his hood which was heading to Mark. I guessed that must be the knockout gas so I ran forward and speared him to the ground. I leaned up and hit him with a left hook, but he was unfazed by it ? I feel the electricity going through my arms to my hands so what's going on ? I was still thinking when he grabbed my face and slammed me to the side next to him. He started spewing gas at my face and I started feeling tired, so I started draining my phone battery to keep myself awake. He noticed this and punch me straight in the face. His hand felt...wooden ? What the hell is going on here ?!? Suddenly a clawed hand grabbed the top of the man's hood and pulled it back revealing a wooden face of a...guy ? The wooden man tried to react in time, but it only got flung away. Barry gave me a handout, so I grabbed it and he lifted me up.
Barry-I'll grr take them grr both out.
I looked at him like he was crazy.
Myself-Why ?!?
Barry-Look over grr there.
He pointed it at where Mark and the Alpha were fighting, but instead of seeing them fight there was a dome like arena instead made of Ice.
Myself-He probably doesn't want to be interrupted is all.
Barry- Then why grr do I smell his blood ?
Unfortunately he might be right, I felt Mark's pressure before, but now it seems kinda faint.
Myself-Ok, but if he's fine, I'm coming back and finishing Mister nutcracker over there.
I walked over to the ice dome and wondered how the fuck am I gonna get in, then I remembered the first time I performed the ability(let's call it eletric pull/ throw) with the remote, but what I failed to mention to Leo was that I accidently filled my remote with too much electric energy the first time which made it overload and explode when it got in my hand, but later down the line I learned to put the right amount in so it doesn't explode. I looked around for something to use when I remembered a perfect "Object". Barry was holding down a wooden woman ? with one hand while the nutcracker was charging at him when he it got surrounded by an electric field. It wrapped around him and he started floating, Barry looked confused and looked to me, I had an electrical circle around me with my hands up in the air filled with electricity. Once it entered the electric circle with me, I turned it towards the ice dome.
Barry-Grr what are you doing!
I turn my head a bit so Barry knows I'm talking to him.
Myself-Knocking two birds with one electrical wooden bomb.
I charged up Nutcracker's electrons and before it blew, I yeeted his ass to the dome. On impact the frontal part of the dome shattered some pieces flew out, but nothing extreme. I smiled and walked inside to see the Alpha standing over Mark. The Nutcracker's head rolled in front of the Alpha.
Alpha- NO!! Do you have any idea the trouble I'm going to get into with my Dad!!! Where's the woman version of this thing ??
As soon as he said that Barry walked in with a wooden leg in his mouth then dropped it to the ground and grinned showing his pearly white fang teeth.
Alpha- Damn it, Damn you three, dad is gonna be pissed at me because of you.
He buried his face into his hands so I figured this must be the time to use talk no butsu like Ruto does in his show.
Myself-Barry go pick up Mark...Mister Alpha, I don't fully understand your concerns so please let's talk this out.
The Alpha was still crying in his palms when I heard Barry.
Barry- Jared, Mark has bite marks on his neck!
I turned to look at Mark and saw blood leaking out of his bite wound.
Myself-What ?
Barry looked up at me and his eyes widen, he ran to me, grabbed my shoulders and threw me to Mark. After I landed on mark I looked up to see Barry getting bitten by the Alpha. The Alpha looked at me with hatred and threw Barry to the wall beside him.
Alpha-You wanna know my problem ? My problem is that my dad made these stupid dolls to protect me at school because he felt my trait would be useless in a fight if I sneak attack them. Basically he felt that I was weak so he made me use these damn dolls like it was my own trait like I'm some kind of puppet manipulator like him, but I'm not him.
Suddenly four pincer like limbs came out of his shirt like a spider. He smiled revealing his fangs.
Alpha-My trait is arachnid, my fangs have a poison to it that makes my opponents paralyzed with a bleeding effect. And I know in school fights including Alpha fights, we're not allowed to use weapons that can cost someone's life, buttttt since I'm the Alpha here I don't think my fangs count.
He said that last part with a smirk knowing damn well that's a lie. "Damn it, Mark probably knew that the cloaked ones were inhuman of some kind so he must of got cocky. Probably figured that the Alpha wasn't all that without his lackeys just to get fucking bitten in the end. I swear Alpha's like these are the type that give other Alpha's like Amilia a bad name. We should of just used Our power from the beginning like Leo said too". I look at the Alpha and felt anger an$ electricity flowing through me. "People like him don't deserve mercy, fuck his reasons, fuck his tears, fuck talking"...Everything went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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