Seventh grade

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It's now seventh grade and after what happened last year, It still annoyed me that Mandy almost forced me to use my trait, but luckily the Alpha at the time(Amilia) interfered with it last minute. Oh and I think it's time that I explain the school status of Alpha's. Usually there's always an Alpha in any job, in any family. The alpha is a person with the most powerful trait in the family, school or job. For an example, there's always an alpha in school, the grade an alpha is in is usually the highest grade. For me, since I'm still in middle school the alpha would be in eighth grade. To decide who could be an Alpha is in two ways, they could have an apprentice to pass the mantle too when they graduate(usually a grade below) or they could be challenged by anyone in any grade. Now when your an Alpha you have a responsibility to uphold, like Amilia they are supposed to keep order and make sure the strong don't bully the weak. That goes for school, work establishments and families, but of course that's what it's supposed to be. Everyone has their own ways of doing things regarding Alpha's. Now the Alpha can have the option to take the responsibility of an Alpha seriously or they can fool(abuse their power) around. It all depends on the person if they let the power take control of them or not. Now during that time I was heading to the gym when I heard my name being called.
???-Yo, Jared, Jarrreedd wait up!!!
I turned to see a tall light-skinned boy, but what I first noticed was his hair, it was like a huge mane, like it's an afro, but not tamed, wild even.
???-Hey Jared, it's been a long time since I've seen you pal
He was Smiling, revealing the gap between is two front teeth.
I'm looking up at him, speechless because I have no idea who the hell he is. He wasn't from elementary school, but he does have a familiar aura around him. I went deep in my memory bank trying to remember something, but nothing came up. The big hair boi kept staring at me, obviously waiting for me to say his name or something, but then he was like.
???-Oh right haha, you probably don't recognize me because I grew out my hair, But it's me Barry Jr.
I stared at him blankly, but that's when it hit me, I remember him from preschool and summer camp, I use to talk to him all the time and play with him when I was younger.
Myself-O-oh right, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you with all the-
I gestured his hair by waving my hands around in the air above my head, he laughed and said.
Barry-It's all good man, I decided to grow it out, since it just grows back quickly. But hey where are you heading to next ?
Myself- The gym upstairs.
Barry- Really !?!
His eyes lit up as he said that, then he suddenly patted my back with strength, that I didn't even know he had and turned towards the stairs. Heh I remember telling myself that this reunion would be short lived, but it's funny looking back to that thought since Barry will be my left hand man in the council.
We enter the gym to see new faces and old alike. Good thing is that Mandy is nowhere to be seen so that's a plus. Barry and I were talking when I felt a pressure hit me from all around.
I immediately turned around, with my trait activated. All I saw was a short, small afro, chubby kid, he was standing by himself away from the crowd, despite his femine and baby looking facial features, I believe he's a boy. I'm guessing he just walked in, but I don't understand why I felt such pressure. I mean I can tell he's not looking for a fight or anything, he's just standing there with empty eyes.
Barry-Hey man you good ?
I felt barry about to put a hand on me and turned off my trait before he got electrocuted.
Myself-Yea, I'm fine, I just...felt something is all.
Barry gave me a nod and smiled when the gym teacher announced we'll be outside.
I look back at the kid, who gave me a look in return, I looked away to avoid being questioned and moved on.
Barry-Hey! Hey! Let's race, can we race please ?
Barry was basically bouncing up and down waiting for my reply, I was annoyed by it, but when I laughed, it disappeared.
Myself-Right, where we going then.
Barry looked at the field and saw kids playing in the middle and only a few were walking around the dirt track.
Barry-Lets go around the track three times.
He said that with a big smile which immediately gave me the thought that he must be one of those speedsters, now do I really want to be the butt of this joke I wondered ?
Myself-alright let's do it.
Barry's eyes lit up with excitement, now I know what your thinking, but I never saw how fast a speedster could be in real life, think about it in a learning experience ya know.
Anyways we both get into racing positions like you would in track. He took off his shoes and I asked him if that's safe since it's a dirt track rocks will be present. He just smiled and said don't worry about. One of the people who were walking, went between us to count us down.
We took off running as fast as we could (no my trait wasn't activated) dodging people left and right. Then we were getting to the part where rocks were becoming more present so I took a peek at Barry and he wasn't there.
???-Down here.
I looked down to see barry running on all fours, he was smiling at me, wanting me to look at him, then he suddenly started gaining speed, running at speeds that a normal person wouldn't be able to reach. That's when I realized he was playing with me, because not only did he pass the starting line, but he was already starting to catch up to me, avoiding people along the way as well. I remember thinking to myself "fuck this" and next thing you know my trait was on. I felt the electricity building in my legs to make me gain speed. I never really practiced running with electricity in my legs, so I had to be careful so I only went a bit faster than Barry. Oh, by the way as I was explaining this to you, I passed the starting line and was running next to Barry who was looking at me surprised, but welcomed the challenge and started going faster. I took a glance at his hands and feet to see that they were clawed, that must be how he's keeping his momentum on those rocks. We passed the starting line a second time and kept running. It seemed like the more energy(electricity) I generate to my legs the faster I'd get, probably not speedster level, but damn near close. As we were getting close to the starting/finish line, I felt I was going faster than I was supposed too, so I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't. I looked over to Barry and he was trying to stop too, but couldn't. I looked down to see that the ground was iced now. Barry and I eventually fell on top of each other, but not seriously hurt. I looked up to see Mandy smiling brightly while the Chubby kid was breathing heavy facing her. He spoke loud so she can hear him.
???- Leave Me Alone!!
Mandy was still staring at him, not caring about his words. She's just delighted about the fight. On the other hand, the boy looked scared...actually no he looked like he was trying to stay calm. Barry and I kept staring while onlookers pulled their phones out. The kid saw a flash of a camera from the right so he looked at it out of instinct. As soon as he did that Mandy rushed forward a bit faster than she did with me last time. He looked towards her, but it was too late she feint a punch and followed with a hard punch to the right of his face. The kid's entire head went the other way and he fell, eyes closed. Mandy was standing over him smiling that she won, but when he started getting back up she frowned. She was about to deliver the final blow until I appeared before her, grabbing her arm. She looked down to me in anger.
Mandy-Mind your own business Jared.
She tried pulling away, but I held my grip refusing to budge.
Myself-Leave him alone okay ? he's a new student so back off already he had enough.
As I was glaring at her, I overheard Barry say
Barry-Watch out!!!!
Then I suddenly felt a sharp pain hit my back with a follow up of ice creeping up on it. It launched me forward in the dirt, I slowly got back up and turned towards my opponent, he stood there wide-eyed, face twisted with anger. I remember telling myself to stay calm he only hit you out of instinct stay calm. At the same time though, I felt so much pain in my back because of an accident from before. So him hitting my back with all his might with an Ice cold bat didn't help me keep calm, so after that everything went dark. And I heard
Him-I'll take it from here old friend
After that, everything went dark, Barry and Mark was telling me that when I got back up my eyes had a red storm cloud in my Pupil, but the red electricity was leaking out of the edges of my eyes. I raised my arm to him and fired a red lightning bolt at him, which made him fly back being electrocuted on the ground. He was screaming as the electricity was coursing through him damaging him in the inside. I didn't budge from his screams instead I was about to fire another when he started getting back up. They said I stopped and put my hand down to see what he would do. He was breathing heavy and had his ice cover him, soothing him in fact any burn marks that were on him was being healed by his ice. After he cooled himself down, he closed his eyes, then when he opened them blue flames erupted around him revealing that he has two traits which is very rare. Apparently after witnessing this I smiled and red lightning erupted around me I took a stance and so did he, we were about to rush towards each other when we both fell, paralzyed with our traits being canceled out by the security guards. After we got Saturday detention by the Alpha. Since his rule states that we can't fight each other without reason. We kept to ourselves, we didn't get near each other nor talk about what happened. Everytime we're in the same room people get quiet wondering if someone's gonna throw a punch. Mandy stays away from us because if she approaches me I will attack her and I'm guessing the kid will too. The video got surfaced and everyone at school saw it. To be honest, I'm surprised Amilia didn't call me for losing it, but she knows how sensitive my back is so she's probably not that surprised. I watched the video and saw that when the kid was getting up he was forming blue fireballs in his hands, but he shook his head and formed an Ice bat instead. Then turned around quickly to strike Mandy, but to his surprise he saw me flying from his blow. He was stuck a bit from what just happened, but he turned towards Mandy getting ready to attack her, until he got strike by my lightning bolt. Honestly that whole fight started because of her man, but whatever. I remember walking home watching a funny video when I accidently bumped into someone.
Myself- My bad
???-It's okay I was on my phone as well.
The guy turned towards me revealing that he's the kid I been bumping into. We looked at each other for awhile to see if someone was gonna hit or turn on their trait. When suddenly a new video popped up on my phone and his. Funny enough it's the same group of people. watch them too ? watched this video ?
Myself- was pretty seen this ?
Kid--yea, what about this one.
Myself- no, actually.
Kid-You want to watch it ?
By the time we realized it was 4:00 I already had 5 missed calls from my Grandfather.
Myself-this was fun, but I gotta go
As I was walking away I turned around.
Myself- By the way, what's your name ?
Kid-My name is Mark...What's yours ?
Myself-My name is Jared.
After I told him, I saw a grin appeared on his face, like a genuine one not a creepy, hiding my motive type one. After that, things were back to normal, but Mark and I were now on talking terms. Actually fun fact he even sat with Barry and I at our new table(the anime table got disbanded, but Rukia came with me). Everything was doing okay.

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