Sixth grade

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So there was an accident in Elementary school (won't talk about it) which made me repress my powers for a very long time until 8th grade(wasn't a long time just two years, but you get it) and after that stuff went a bit sideways ? I don't know if it's hard to explain anyway after the elementary accident, it was time to start Middle school. During this time I kept to myself as best as I can. The only time I used my trait was at home to train or just for stuff like charging things. Now the way my trait works is as long as there's an electric source I could use it. For an example, the internet I can access the information from it making myself very smart to the point that school because obsolete. Think of it like a cheat code, but just like cheat codes there's no rewards for it, sure it's fun, but it gets boring, it doesn't feel the same as learning it on your own or through school. So when I'm in school I don't access anything, in a way I turn it off so I can't access the knowledge from the internet. I feel like I need to explain my powers, but I'll save that for later. Anyway It's sixth grade and I'm minding my own business...until I met Mandy. You see, I was in the gym when I felt like I was being watched from afar and by afar I mean the other side of the room. I took a glance to see if anyone was looking at me and I immediately lock eyes with her. At the time she was taller than me, kinda pale, curvy, and extremely pissed for reasons that make sense now than it did before. We continued making eye contact when she suddenly got in my face. In that instance, I triggered my trait so I can move out the way, as I moved to the side I wondered how she got this close to me and quickly at that. I looked at her feet and saw that it was a few inches from the floor. So I'm guessing she leapt towards me, but damn is her trait spring ? I deactivate my trait after I'm clear of her attack, Luckily no one noticed me use it, but jeez, I was expecting this from old classmates, not people I don't know. Anyway she swung where I use to be and to avoid falling on her face, she did a roll out then sprung back up, looking more annoyed than before. Everyone saw her and started whispering amongst themselves.
???-How did you do that ?!?
With a straight face I said
Myself-I don't know what you mean.
Her lip started quivering from anger while balling up her fist, I don't fully understand her trait, but I'm not gonna take any chances with her, If I have to use my trait than so be it, I rather expose our power than be bullied again. She got in a fighting position then charged towards me at the same speed as before, but I activated my trait awhile ago so her charge looked slow as hell. I was gonna step forward when I saw something coming from the side of us, it wasn't gonna hit us, but I'm guessing to seperate us. I deactivated my trait and didn't move, the object landed between us. As the girl went over it, the object extended as a claw and grabbed her midsection, holding her in place. A normal height, light skin girl with a ponytail walked over to us,when I recognized her my shoulders relaxed, hell I didn't even notice that I was holding my breath. She was looking at the girl and was shaking her head in disapproval.
???-Really Mandy ? you lose against me and you decide to take your anger out on an innocent bystander ?!
She gestures me with a knod, but still looking at Mandy.
Mandy- Shut up!!! He's a lot stronger than he looks Amilia.
She said her name with such disgust and anger, that it was obvious she was still angry about their fight. But what I don't understand is how she can sense my power when I had my trait off. She must of detected me old friend hehe. I took a deep breath to ignore his voice.
Amilia sigh and said
Amilia-Look Mandy if you want a rematch then you have to wait a month other than that leave this kid alone alright ?
Amilia looked over at me and her eyes lit up.
Amilia- Oh my God, is that you J!?!
She ran over to me and hugged me
Amilia- jeez you've grown a bit since the last time I saw you.
She said it with such a wide grin that I couldn't help, but return a smile back.
Myself-Hi Amilia, it's good to see you.
I looked over at Mandy to see that she's struggling to get out of ShadowClaw's grip.
Amilia saw me looking at her and said
Amilia- When people with powerful traits are nearby, it amplifies her, she can't use other people's traits, but she can push her body beyond normal standards and since your here it puts her at equals with you...well maybe a little.
I looked over at Mandy with a shocked expression, because like that's a wonderful trait. Basically she can make any fight equal to whoever is around her, Then I thought about something
Myself-Wait if her trait is to make any fight fair, then how come she hasn't broken out of your ShadowClaw grip ? Isn't everyone around her amplifying her ?
I asked with an eyebrow raised.
Amilia- well...two things, One her trait works when a person or group of people are directly fighting her, basically the only ones amplifying her is you and I because we're the only ones fighting her. Now Two...ShadowClaw was made for you...the other you I mean.
As she said that last part, she couldn't look me in the eyes anymore. I mean it's not her fault anyway I'm the one who went berserk right ? After that Amilia and I left the gym to go to the Library to talk, Since she's the Alpha she can skip classes if she wishes, but she usually doesn't. We were catching up in the library when she remembered something after the bell ring.
Amilia- Drat, I forgot to let go of Mandy.
We both laughed afterwards. I looked down to see a black subject roll into the library and to Amilia. It stopped in front of her, then started climbing her leg up to her shoulder.
Amilia- Shadow says hi.
I look at shadow and waved with a smile. Now let me explain Amilia's trait, Shadow was at first a black birthmark on her stomach, once she got to Sixth grade she discovered she could manipulate it, and tell it what to do, such as take a shape or do something. In a way it's her own personal bodyguard/companion, she says Shadow can talk, but no one can prove that she's wrong so people just roll with it. There was silence for awhile which means something is gonna happen and by something I mean a topic that I don't want to discuss.
Amilia- were you seriously gonna use your trait back there ?
I stared at the ground for awhile then raised my head.
Myself- yes
Amilia- Oh, so you mastered it ?
She asked with an eyebrow raised, I didn't answer her in a minute (yes I counted) so I looked up and immediately saw the "lecture look.
Amilia- know that if you can't handle or control your trait, you shouldn't be using it in public.
Hearing her say that stung a bit so I said
Myself- hey, I can control it just fine okay !?!
Before I could continue my sentence she cut me off with a straight face and said
Amilia-Did he speak through you again?
I stopped talking immediately, I felt sick as I couldn't speak or tell her otherwise. She watched me, observed me with that defensive look in her eye. That's when I noticed that shadow was no longer on her shoulder, but on the floor now, right between us as if it was getting ready to defend Amilia.
Amilia-I'm sorry to bring him up, but if you still hear his voice than you have no business using his side of your trait.
Now that... that right there triggered me because what happened what makes her think I would actually use it on someone,I felt insulted that she would even say that, in fact I-. Then it started, I felt the lightning starting to coarse through my veins, but I had to calm it down to relax. Through gritted teeth I say
Myself- I wasn't going to use it...I would never use his side on purpose, you know that.
Amilia thought to herself, then finally said with a smile
Amilia- I know, I believe you  I'm graduating now and I don't have a successor so I don't know who will be the next Alpha... so just be careful okay ?
I nod to her and told her that I need to go to my next period, so we hugged and I walked away. After that days passed and Mandy left me alone, but in the gym she always gave me dirty looks that I learned to ignore, since Amilia was always close by. I mean one time when Amilia was absent, Mandy was advancing towards me in the yard, but a tall, muscle toned boy got between us and told her to go away or else. He turned towards me and gave me a nod to get into the locker room. He followed me inside, so I turned around to face him.
Myself-Thank you, but why and what do you want.
He looked at me like I was crazy then shook his head.
???-You seriously don't remember me ? You kicked my ass and just forget about me ? I mean granted, I whooped your ass a year later, but still how do you not remember me.
I started thinking again, trying to remember who he is, He shook his head and said
???- My name is Mela Jared, M.E.L.A, Mela.
Mela then rolled his eyes in frustration and nudged past me. After that I started seeing him everywhere, more than usual, He's very popular, since he's a football player (I'm not stalking, I saw him wearing football gear heading to the yard with he others). Anyway before I end this year let me explain some development, in the beginning of this year I wanted to be alone, I didn't want attention from classmates I knew the year before. I wanted to try a new beginning then immediately got attacked by Mandy, which Amilia had to stop then remind me why I need to be alone. So what I didn't mention was that during lunch I found a table for myself, alone. Then it was like that until I met or remet Mela, he also stopped a fight between Mandy and I as well. Then on that same day in lunch, a girl came and sat at the end of my table. Her skin tone was a light brown color, she had long hair and wearing glasses. She was reading a comic ? Well I'm not sure since it was in black and white and she was reading it from left to right ? I don't know it was quite strange especially since she didn't say anything to me and it was like that until spanish class the next day I realized she was in my class. The teacher was switching seats and put her next to me, I heard her name was Rukia ? I never heard of that sort of name. Anyway she was reading in class to so I took a peak at what she was reading, It was called Leach, which is weird cuz what can you make a story about Leach. She caught me looking and moved closer to me so I can see what she was reading. It was a guy that had a mask on with a large sword. He was moving at crazy speeds while fighting someone.
Rukia?- That character's name is Ichi...He had to use his forbidden power to protect his friends.
She was speaking slow and quiet, I can tell she was getting out of her comfort zone slowly, but surely. She proceeded to tell me about Ichi's adventures down the line. The bell rang and later on it was time for lunch. Again I went to my side of the table and I was expecting her to do the same, but instead she sat next to me and handed me a book. It said Bleach:volume one. I looked up at her and she was already reading, completely taken by it. I opened it from left side and was reading when it made no sense. Suddenly I hear laughter from my right side. It was Rukia laughing at me, not in a harmful way, but I guess in a cute way ? I asked with a puzzled look
Myself-What happened ?
Rukia- Your not supposed to read it like that, you read it from right to left.
She proceeded to show me with her own book,
Rukia-see ?
I now understand how to read it, but I don't understand why. I'm guessing my face was telling my thoughts because Rukia then explained why it's written like that. She told me it's like a japanese comic book, but it's called Manga. As the days pass, she introduced me to the japanese cartoons called anime, then soon I started reading Mangas' in the library and at home. As Rukia and I were talking, three girls came to our table, they knew Rukia and introduced themselves to me, the one with glasses was called jesse, the petite girl was called Lucy and the chubby one was called Liv. I didn't really care for them at first, but we eventually became friends. Then Mela and a boy named Mal came over and stayed since they also liked anime and Manga. Soon the table that was just for me became a full table with friends just like that, we called it the Anime table. Soon a light skinned girl came named Kia came, I knew her since kindergarten and been enemies with her since then. Till this day I still have no idea why she sat with us, her crowd and our crowd were polar opposites. She didn't even like anime either, she just sat there and argued with me and the others. Sure we had good moments, but idk it still bothers me that an uptight, bossy girl would sit over here. And just like that the year passed no problems with anyone. I mean Mandy gave me a death stare here and there, but Mela had my back. I was happy...

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